Neither side wants an adversarial relationship, but both worry that it may become unavoidable.
At this point, it is very unlikely that it can get those victories through an adversarial relationship.
Sometimes they and the writers on other Gawker sites do indeed develop an adversarial relationship with commenters.
FORBES: Gawker, "Peasants" and Why Gossip Girl Explains It All
It says that Railtrack's adversarial relationship with the regulator, Tom Winsor, has contributed to its falling credit rating.
Now the French leader says that he, too, wants to avoid an adversarial relationship with the world's only superpower.
For decades they have had a dysfunctional and adversarial relationship that nearly led to the demise of the U.S. auto industry.
The adversarial relationship between UAW and the auto makers has existed since the formation of the UAW in the early years of the auto industry.
The adversarial relationship resulted in low productivity and noncompetitive wages.
At the centre of the railway industry's problems is the division of track from trains which sets up an adversarial relationship between Railtrack and the train operating companies.
And, in fact, the Islamic leadership of the new provisional government in Mogadishu have indicated that they want to talk to the United States and that they're not interested in a hostile, adversarial relationship.
The audit firms are loathe to be in an adversarial, challenging relationship with the management of their clients.
FORBES: Ernst & Young Deaf, Dumb, And Blind About News Corp.
Does the White House view that in terms of relations with the House GOP have (inaudible) the payroll tax cut now, Cantor proposing this jobs act -- is this -- does the White House see this as a positive shift in maybe the relationship that had been very adversarial?