People aren't advocating getting rid of us, but they're busy making room for the new.
The former Attorney General Sir Nicholas Lyell QC has been one of those advocating a retrial.
She argues further that the Tories in a revenue-running parliament would be advocating cuts in taxation.
And because they think only of Joe Smith, they end by advocating reactionary and nonsensical policies.
Or was he sort of advocating, this is what I think we should do?
In terms of tax policy, right now, only Perry and Cain are advocating drastic change.
To be kind, this org is effectively advocating censorship under the banner of transparency.
FORBES: Why Employers Should Stop Worrying About Health Costs
So, would what Romer, Beckworth, and Ponnuru (not to mention Scott Sumner) are advocating work?
FORBES: The Stunning Admission Of One Of Stimulus' Chief Architects
But McCain added that he is not advocating sending ground troops to the nation.
Even critics advocating much greater reforms of Hong Kong's regulatory apparatus applaud Wheatley's efforts.
In advocating a multipolar world, Russia sees itself as one of the poles, dominating its region.
It describes as a grey area the lawfulness of advocating or promoting terminations outside Northern Ireland.
In advocating the best interests of his business is he treading on personal freedom?
FORBES: Timberland's Smoking Ban: Good Corporate Citizenship Or Overkill?
The government is advocating "zero tolerance" and urging schools to collaborate in tackling poor behaviour.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers seek help over violence
What I am interested in, is advocating measures which whilst controversial, I believe would work.
Smith himself introduced campaign finance legislation in 2008 like the measure the groups are advocating now.
Investigators said Smith continued advocating for the contract award after he said he recused himself.
He is advocating investments in companies that stand to gain from an economic rebound.
Professor Dee said educationalists should "hesitate" before advocating more single-sex classes, which could have other "drawbacks".
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Male teachers 'better for boys'
Unfortunately, the federal government has not done a great job advocating for companies' exports abroad.
So yes, Time is indeed advocating cutting living standards by as much as ten times.
Greenspan must take the lead and carry out a sensible course of action, advocating sensible prescriptions.
Women were significantly involved in advocating the passing of India's Right to Information Act (2005).
Senator Kaufman and others have been advocating for more information about these high-frequency traders.
Two, I am not in any way advocating what Burson and Facebook did was right.
Even people advocating single-payer want to be able to go to a private doctor.
FORBES: The Difference Between School Choice and Healthcare Vouchers
To his mind, Lerach was advocating using an axe when a scalpel would do better.
Opening up sport in the way I'm advocating would render it a safer, more secure environment.
This is a course that even some observers sympathetic to the firm are now advocating.