Typhoon will excel both at shooting down other planes and at precision bombing and aerial reconnaissance.
ECONOMIST: Defence procurement
And based on Mr. MacLean's aerial reconnaissance of spectacular penthouse gardens, such as at 855 and 1125 Fifth Ave.
WSJ: Open-Air Status Symbols
The Air Force Weapons School provides advanced training for a handful of elite officers each year in traditional skills, like teaching aerial combat, reconnaissance and bombing, and also for the growing ranks of drone pilots.
WSJ: Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front
"The PLA Air Force has deployed several types of unmanned aerial vehicles for both reconnaissance and combat purposes, " the report said.
WSJ: China's Drones Raise Eyebrows at Air Show
China's central Air Force Command sent two reconnaissance planes from Beijing to take aerial photographs of the area, state media said, adding that 2, 600 soldiers from the People's Armed Police had already arrived in six towns in the quake zone.
WSJ: Quake Kills More Than 100 in Sichuan