This fully illustrated and animated electronic book brings Aesop into the digital age.
That is, of course, the punch line to the Aesop fable about the slow, compact tortoise and the sleek, swifter hare.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted (Aesop).
Kind reviewers have said that they are a bit like Aesop's fables.
It's the listener's job to figure it out, as Aesop Rock lays down furious rhymes amid thick production and some seriously sick sampling.
In "None Shall Pass, " underground rapper Aesop Rock comes off as a hip-hop fortuneteller, announcing what will happen in a distinctly combative way.
Simply put, kindness tends to return to those who do kind deeds, as Aesop demonstrated in his colorful fable of a little mouse cutting the net to free the big lion.
FORBES: How to Turn Every Corporate Member into a Philanthropist
Robert Cruikshank's 1818 etching "A Dandy Fainting" caricatures a roomful of corseted young gents, presenting them as boneless alien forms akin to Aesop's grasshoppers, playing all day while the ants work.
WSJ: Beau Brummell and His Heirs | Men of Fashion | RISD Museum | By Laura Jacobs
Simply put, kindness tends to return to those who do kind deeds, as Aesop demonstrated in his colourful fable of a little mouse cutting the net to free the big lion.
Named after the Aesop fable in which the sun persuades a man to take off his coat after the North Wind fails to do so, the policy sought to engage the North.
Aesop's Fables: Learn time-honored truths through ancient tales.
Aesop lived in the 6th century B.
FORBES: How to Turn Every Corporate Member into a Philanthropist
One such study, conducted by Sarah Werning of the University of California, Berkeley, and her colleagues, is reminiscent of Aesop's fable about the hare and the tortoise with dinosaurs playing the role of the cocky lagomorph and crocodiles that of the slow but steady chelonian.