But farmers are worried that the ramifications could go much further, and some mining companies have given warning that they are reluctant to make new investments, lest they be affectedby aboriginal land claims.
The landaffectedby the law in the Senate amounts to 1m hectares (2.5m acres), says Mr Lorenzoni, so its progress is of concern to Congress's rural landowners' block and to property developers.
In particular, according to Orellana, Pacific Rim failed to provide an adequate environmental impact assessment for its proposed mine and did not meet the Salvadoran requirement that mining companies own the land that would be affectedby their operations.
Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson meanwhile promised in a statement that any of the state's coastline affectedby the spill "will be cleaned up quickly and BP will be picking up the tab".
The approval granted by the government includes compulsory purchase powers and the county council said it will now write to the affectedland owners and start the formal process of acquiring the remaining land required for the road.