He often portrayed, with mocking affection, the collectors themselves, pompously examining new pictures in a studio.
You perform a single click on a big button to share your interest and affection.
He was charming and quick, with a vanity made bearable by his genuine affection for people.
But only metaphorically is America a family, its members bound by tendrils of intimacy and affection.
The bonds of devotion and affection transcend the peaks and valleys of a business cycle.
Shimabukuro named his latest CD Gently Weeps because of his affection for George Harrison.
Then came Martha, an actual doctor, whose affection the Time Lord did not return.
Without their support and affection and love, I don't think we could have pulled it off.
Jolson sat on his happy perch because the object of his affection accepted his proposition.
Politicians who can make themselves look foolish and still retain your affection may be an exception.
Not the kind of feeling that engenders affection for the person afflicting it. (you).
Immediately, before you give affection, you tell a dog where he's going to sleep or stay.
Of the pioneers, he likes Kandinsky least, Mondrian most, and feels greatest affection for Malevich.
Russert loved politics and had a basic affection for those who underwent its rigors.
His post Saturday, by contrast, reflected his grief and affection for his late son.
Some worry about alienating effects, as youngsters seek companionship and affection in microchip and plastic.
Mzee quickly came to terms with his new friend and even returned signs of affection.
The affection was recognised world-wide where he is established as a legend of the fight game.
The British, known for a sometimes eccentric love of animals, have a special affection for donkeys.
WSJ: Hee Haw! Donkeys Get Last Laugh As One Greek Tragedy Ends Happily
Their affection for guns, religion, the death penalty and genetically modified crops seems strange to Europeans.
He is so torn between affection and condemnation he cannot enter into any adult relationships.
She described an unhappy childhood with little affection given to her or her younger sister Freda.
With more than 7 million sold worldwide, Bumbo evokes strong affection among mothers of young children.
FORBES: The Danger Of Global Warnings For Every Perceived Risk
Simply sorting that one out will test President George Bush's new-found affection for Russia.
It is therefore rather surprising that today's liberals show such misplaced affection for it.
As a child, I read the epic fantasy with an undisguised affection like so many others.
But is anyone ever assigned to be sure Mom or Dad gets touch and affection?
FORBES: Magic Touch: Six Things You Can Do to Connect in a Disconnected World.
Federer can be haughty about his competition (see Djokovic, Novak), but his affection for Nadal is obvious.
WSJ: Jason Gay: Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal's Rough Patch
Ms Reza, who in the end cannot conceal her admiration and affection, struggles to interpret these moments.
Writers of the era expressed their frustration with the car but also a perverse affection for it.