Gail Doktor used to call her Crazy Amy, in affectionate acknowledgment of her volatility.
My brother, though of few words, had been thoughtful and affectionate since his childhood.
The U.S. men's beach volleyball team of Jacob Gibb and Sean Rosenthal were even less affectionate.
WSJ: Group Hug: Which Olympic Sport Wins Gold for Touchiest?
"In Affectionate Remembrance of English Cricket" was the headline of a spoof obituary in the Sporting Times.
BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Letter from Mumbai: Is Sachin mortal?
"It felt hard to believe that this affectionate, witty novel was the author's first, " the judges said.
Oh, he was within his rights, yes, this almost affectionate lion who ignored the frantic creature just ahead.
The postpresidential election wrangling makes this affectionate memoir by one of our foremost editors and intellects timely reading.
Marriages are nowadays generally contracted on purely affectionate grounds, and the fulfilment of emotional needs has gained importance.
But nothing is easy when it comes to the Bums, the borough's mostly affectionate nickname for its team.
"She is very vocal but she is the most loving, affectionate, hilarious hen".
"Poilu", a word meaning hairy or tough, is the affectionate name given since Napoleonic times to French foot soldiers.
Some are thought to contain names and addresses, while others contain affectionate letters.
If you are a benign god, your land will be green and lovely, and your creature civilised and affectionate.
ECONOMIST: Using artificial intelligence to bond player and game
The Monroes became very popular in France, where the diplomat's lady received the affectionate name of la belle Americaine.
It is from this world that Edward Stourton comes also, and he regards it with a detached yet affectionate eye.
In 2011 he published his last book, "Rome, " an affectionate history of the city where he had lived in his 20s.
The affectionate but critical description of Isaiah Berlin, a friend and colleague who both inspired and disappointed him, is particularly gripping.
People gave it affectionate nicknames, including Tin Lizzie, flivver and jitney bus.
''She was a very affectionate and tough woman at the same time.
It was the same mental fortitude which has helped him deal with light-hearted, even affectionate, ribbing of his fielding and batting abilities.
In between he wrote daily to Lyudmila in spare but affectionate prose.
And I am the bearer of a respectful and affectionate greeting of the Mexican people to this nation, which is our neighbor and friend.
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Lang is equally affectionate and tough-minded about the audiences in China.
Though it was undoubtedly humiliating to be so dependent, the sisters could at least, in return, offer help and comfort as affectionate and beloved aunts.
Now, Mr. Kline tries to be more verbally and physically affectionate.
So we retraced our steps, and found the booth, where we surprised the company's founders, Suzy and Hector Batiz, who were locked in an affectionate embrace.
Though affectionate and well-meaning, my mother lacked basic mothering skills.
Forrest Gump was O'Donnell's affectionate nickname when he played for Celtic, in honour of his tireless running - a characteristic of the film's main character, played by Tom Hanks.
To stay connected, the newlyweds wrote each other as often as they could -- open, affectionate letters describing how much they missed each other and longed to be together.
Was Pope Benedict able to erase the perception that he is a distant academic or is he now seen as a warm and affectionate, grandfather-like figure, much like his predecessor?