"The idea that humidity affects the life of virus has been known for decades, " says Michael Gardam, M.
Michael Noer should be commended for an honest look at the controversial data concerning women in the workplace and the affects on family life.
The thicker border affects everyday life as well as business.
Isobel was asked by Swansea University to make a video diary of her experiences to explain how the illness affects her every day life.
The estimate comes as part of a UK-wide campaign, Children of Alcoholics week, which aims to raise awareness of the affects of dependency on family life.
Mental health conditions in children are diagnosed and treated based on signs and symptoms and how the condition affects a child's daily life.
Your place in life at the time of reading something affects your perception.
Scientists say the difficult thing to know about climate change in the Pacific is how a change in one place affects life elsewhere.
Weliky says that women who experienced absent or distant fathers may continue to seek approval from men or have lower levels of confidence later in life, which affects their ability to assert themselves in the office.
It affects one person in a hundred at some time in their life, and the rate is the same in every country.
Because of its dense growth, it blocks sunlight from reaching the lake's native aquatic plants, which affects fish and other marine life-- and those who make their livelihoods catching them.
And if you get the A levels, go on to university or go into further training, it affects your life and I just worry sometimes that we're in danger of going back to a language that says, yeah, you're working too hard at 16 to 18.
It affects how they feel about themselves and whether they have the energy and the stamina to succeed in school and in life.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at DNC event in Washington, DC
Born into poverty in Walton-le-Dale, near Preston, he was acutely aware of the damaging affects of alcohol on the working classes, setting up the temperance movement which he promoted for the rest of his life.
The research team are now working on a simple questionnaire can be used to measure how sleep apnoea affects quality of life.