As she puts it, she is supporting the tradition of African American classical music.
The story strains to make a mythopoetic connection between the classics of African-American music and the personal history that they embody.
They infuse an African-American sensibility into music that includes, not only opera, but jazz, gospel, soul and blues.
Chanticleer, an all-male a capella group best known for its classical repertoire, has released How Sweet the Sound, its second CD of gospel music and African-American spirituals.
Music, another southern African-American staple, hitched a ride and eventually evolved into its own form (Chicago blues).
The Beastie Boys' success in hip-hop was notable at a time when the music form was dominated by African-American performers.
But these days, she is an up-and-comer in country music -- and a rare African-American performer in the genre.
It's a great, great CD, and as I said, if you want to experience what an African-American church can be in its best sense with gospel music, here's a fun way to do it.
The bluesy scales and shuffling rhythms American rock fans grew up on also exist in West African traditional music, via the history of the Atlantic slave trade.
NPR: Vieux Farka Toure, Justin Adams & Juldeh Camara: Rock 'N' Roll Goes To West Africa
Country music is home to a smattering of well-known African-American artists.
"Country Girl, " the first single off Palmer's self-titled 2007 debut album, made her the first African-American female in 20 years to hit Billboard's country chart, according to Country Music Television.
And she has used them in her own research on the racial desegregation of classical music performance, searching concert programs from the 1940s and '50s to find African-American soloists, the repertoire they were hired to perform and the white musicians they played alongside.
Like many African-American teen-agers, they were bused into predominantly white and affluent neighborhoods, and they made music as perceptive outsiders trying to understand their surroundings and to preserve their identity.