Remember that this budget is based on your gross income, not after- tax income.
So next years higher taxes in essence means U.S. after-tax income will decline next year.
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The capital accumulation that is necessary for innovation and economic progress depends on savings from after-tax income.
Since 1996, dividends and capital gains have grown faster than wages or any other category of after-tax income.
If we pay the 65 cents in after-tax income as dividends, our shareholders are taxed again at 15%.
We then either consume our after-tax income, or we save and invest it.
FORBES: The Perverse Impact Of Double Taxation: A Helpful Flow Chart
Therefore, my definition of a recession is when after-tax income drops year-over-year for at least three months or more.
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Middle-income households would see their after-tax income fall by 7.9 percent under the VAT but just 5.5 percent from higher rates.
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After-tax income, net of inflation, has barely been growing over the past five years and is likely to decline this year.
If we save and invest our after-tax income, a single dollar of income can be taxed as many as four different times.
FORBES: The Perverse Impact Of Double Taxation: A Helpful Flow Chart
If we consume our after-tax income, the government largely leaves us alone.
FORBES: The Perverse Impact Of Double Taxation: A Helpful Flow Chart
At the same time, consumer debt levels skyrocketed and the savings rate actually turned negative (U.S. households consumed more than their after-tax income).
As shown in a prior note to clients, the bottom two quintiles of U.S. citizens spend 30%-60% of their after-tax income on food and energy.
Such a change would trim their after-tax income by 3.8 percent.
These tax breaks increase after-tax income for nearly all of us.
With the Balanced Money Formula, I want less than 50% of my after-tax income to be spent on needs, such as housing and groceries and transportation.
An employee of the Congressional Research Service, Hungerford in 2011 published a paper that found that after-tax income inequality rose 11.2 percent between 1996 and 2006.
In other words, the Fed this year will in essence print half a trillion dollars that will not improve after-tax income nor help stock prices grow.
FORBES: There's Very Little Chance Stocks Avoid Year-End Sell Off
And remember, that a decline in U.S. after-tax income has to impact Europe and the emerging world, which in turn will negatively impact U.S. after-tax income.
FORBES: There's Very Little Chance Stocks Avoid Year-End Sell Off
Sales taxes, too, are important because they further reduce living standards by raising the price of goods and services that can be purchased with after-tax income.
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Ryan would increase their after-tax income by about 2 percent.
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This is on the regressive side since it would represent 2.5% of the after-tax income of lower income families and less than 1% of the income of higher income families.
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Ryan would raise their after-tax income by 0.5 percent.
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In the U.S. household energy expenditures can amount to over 20% of after-tax income for families in the bottom 20%, according to a research note by the Cleveland Fed.
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While the write-off would make no difference to a tax-exempt investor, a taxable investor in the 30% tax bracket would get an after-tax income stream comparable to another REIT yielding 7.14%, a substantial difference.
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Writing off the costs each year would substantially boost their after-tax income and increase the attractiveness of contingency-fee cases as an investment, much as tax writeoffs on drilling expenses dramatically increase the odds of financial success in the oil and gas business.
Big companies are hoarding cash (which paradoxically makes them more attractive investments and further separates the 1% from the 99%), and small companies and home buyers have no idea how much after-tax income they will have, so they are not hiring or buying but instead are in wait-and-see mode.
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However, in spite of its tremendous revenue growth, its after-tax net income margins have eased from 4.2% to 3.5% in the past last five years.
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