The fermentation that occurs after a few days gives the starter its sour smell.
An episode of pancreatitis often goes away after a few days, but some patients have recurrence.
So after a few days in the sunshine, or even indoor light, the dirt will disappear.
After a few days of back and forth, Aardsma had narrowed the possibilities down to four teams.
The theme park closed after a few days in the run-up to Christmas 2008 following hundreds of complaints.
He tried to stay with his mother, but after a few days he took to sleeping in nearby parks.
Fortunately, there comes a point after a few days in Montana where there's nothing left to do but think.
After a few days of eating fondue in five Swiss cantons, I was ready to break all the rules.
After a few days, 111 more workers were rescued, and 38 people died.
FORBES: Weird things that people get used to in China: part 1
But the national media's attention faded after a few days, and Binghamton is rarely mentioned in stories on gun violence.
After a few days in Buenos Aires, the local diet of steak and wine may have some travellers yearning for a little exercise.
After a few days, however, I was able to get interesting pictures whose focus could be changed to bring out details.
We adjusted after a few days and didn't have a preference for either the old or new design in that respect.
Essentially this app is like a real beach holiday: after a few days it can get boring soaking up the rays.
This letter jarred upon her dream, but after a few days of bewilderment, she returned to her frozen seas and snow.
When, after a few days, it allowed foreign-exchange dealings to resume, it insisted on a rate of 180 kyat to the dollar.
Belgium's third-choice keeper had an X-ray and the Belgium team's medical staff feel he will be fit after a few days' rest.
His first trial, last summer, came to a halt after a few days when prosecutorial errors forced the judge to declare a mistrial.
But there's a second list I'd like to compile after a few days talking to senior leaders and business people here in the mountains.
After a few days, I quickly forgot about what once was such a traumatic experience and was off playing some other short term fad.
Mr. Plotnikov was detained and interrogated by Russian security forces in late 2010, but released after a few days and moved to a remote village.
WSJ: Dagestan Islamists Were Uneasy About Boston Bombing Suspect
Further, after a few days of testing we decided to disable the setting for environmental dimming, as that just left the screen too dim for most situations.
It turned out to be a very awkward relationship and after a few days she became completely self sufficient and never asked me to do any work.
According to the network operators I talked with, there is a high probability of a per-day customer signing up for monthly service after a few days of use.
So after a few days of life smacking me around a bit and nothing I could do to control it, I decided to focus on what I could control.
It made sense to lighten up on swing long positions but after a few days of choppy action, GOOG is back on the radar as a swing long candidate.
And what they found was that after a few days, these genes that they added were able to get the skin cells to start behaving just like embryonic stem cells.
The family said these were removed after a few days, but when they next visited there was a nil-by-mouth sign above her bed and they also found faeces under her finger nails.
Yes, after a few days away from it all my mind does inevitably return to my business, yet with clarity that often eludes me in the daily rush of meetings, Skype pings, and emails.