For my dog tag to show up after all that time, I consider that remarkable.
"When I first started making a lot of money, I really became frustrated with the fact that all I did was write cheque after cheque to this or that charity without really feeling like it was a part of me, " she told America's Newsweek magazine.
That, after all, is the key and I personally felt that Michael was the, was the candidate who was saying that most powerfully and I think of the two on the ballot paper, clearly Ken's the man who gives us a chance of doing it.
After all, I mean, that was his rallying cry a couple of years ago.
After all, that's why I was on the plane in the first place.
Because the flight was early (see, US Airways you are getting credit for that after all), I was able to get to the customer service desk sooner than normal and beat out the other stranded New Orleans-bound passengers for that afternoon flight.
"I came up with probably one of the best shots I've hit all year at 5-6 and after that shot I got a little momentum, " said Ginepri.
To make this thing public after all of that expense and effort, I would be embarrassed as a prosecutor to bring it.
CNN: Sen. Ernest Hollings' closed-door impeachment statement
Long ago, after all, I had reached the conclusion that it made sense for the United States to build and deploy such a system.
"I don't believe for one moment that there was any lack of clarity, after all, I have been practising my trade for a number of years now, " she said.
After all, I'm from a city that knows a little something about reinventing itself.
So after a while I unsubscribed, and that was the last I thought about Groupon until all the bad publicity started coming in.
After all, I think most Americans can agree that it is important to promote healthy, happy citizens and a legacy of public lands that future generations have the right to enjoy.
Now I fly down every other month, have hired someone we know well and trust implicitly to come in once a week, and my sister is stepping up after years of assuming all was well enough and that I could handle the work.
And after all, I think you have to recognise that throughout Europe - again it was a point made by Dominique De Villepin - there are differences between governments but by and large public opinion is pretty solid across Europe, and it is critical of any approach to this problem which doesn't involve going through the UN.
On second thought, I think I believe that unnamed person after all.
Then, without any condescension, she said that if I was running after Leo all the time, we wouldn't be able to indulge in the small pleasure of sitting and chatting for a few minutes.
But even after all this time, I still remember the special teachers that touched my life.
"They're all lined up one after another, and I think that's the reason why, " said Perry when asked to explain this run.
After taking a look at all these things, I felt that I should stand aside and allow others to play for the country.
After all, I am an actor and I will bring that to the table to inform my work, but not to define it.
After all, as a public relations guy I never thought that SEO would become one of the most important tools in my toolbox, but it is arguably one of the most important components of an integrated marketing campaign today.
After all, the most common reaction to that parcel of news that I saw?
After all, I am a proud independent who supports the candidate that comes closest to my views.
"I felt it was time after all those years that TV has used me, for me to use it, " says Winfrey.
"All of the imams that I have spoken to after 7 July have condemned the attacks and that is what they are preaching in prison, " he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
It was as if by buying the Kate Spade bag and getting the constant-upkeep haircut, I was broadcasting to anyone interested (and nobody was, really) that I could run with the cool kids after all.
But what I'm encouraged by is that after all the overheated rhetoric and the occasional demagoguery on all sides around this issue, we've got a responsible set of leaders sitting around the table who want to actively get something done and not put it off until a year, two years, three years, five years from now, but to start working on this thing right now.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama: Working Together for Immigration Reform