Does this end the whole dispute after all these years if this is approved?
They are, after all these years, still acting as disbursing offices of the central government.
Their only hope is that someone comes forward with a tip after all these years.
Whether he likes the look of the joint, after all these years, is far from certain.
"After all these years, I have a face to fit my assailant that evening, " says Albert.
Now, some may wonder: After all these years, why honor this heroism now?
After all these years onstage, he can stand back from his performances with an analytic remove.
"The traditional writing style of Chinese literature needs to be changed after all these years, " she said.
WSJ: 'Finnegans Wake' Is Greek to Many; Now Imagine It in Chinese
Still, even after all these years there are some great lines in the movie that ring true today.
Noble goals, indeed, but why is the Wizard of Redmond suddenly rushing to embrace them after all these years?
Eventually, CEO John Riccitiello stepped down after all these controversies resulted in rather terrible numbers for the company.
It's highly imaginative thinking for a designer who still feels some level of outsider status after all these years.
After all these years, we finally entered the house of the Lord again.
After all these years of the Web, it seems consumers want their links and most apps have very few of them.
The bad news here is that best technology practices are still not widely adopted even after all these years and money spent.
After all these years, app discovery still remains a conundrum that has puzzled many marketers. 2012 might very well provide the answer.
Perhaps after all these decades, he now supports the return of Glass-Steagall.
I'll shield her name, even after all these years, because she wisely was usually willing only to speak with me on background.
The question is all the sharper since, even after all these purchases, the Gulf states still cannot defend themselves without western help.
You know what, Ohio, after all these years you now know me.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event, Cleveland, OH
And of course, after all these years there is a certain remarkable aura that has formed around the man and that bus of his.
"After all these years, all these setbacks, all the hearings, we kept at it and we got closer and closer each year, " he said.
But it has that line that comes out of nowhere when, after all these bleak lyrics, you ask: how come it looks so beautiful?
It only now I after all these years I finally decide to study her and my son, grown, who behaves the same way as his mom.
"When we told him he made the club, he said, 'Finally, after all these years, it was certainly worth all the work and effort, '" manager Terry Collins said.
So what can be done, given that we should already be aware of climate change after all these years, if we really want to move beyond Earth Hour symbolism?
Funny, though, that after all these decades of being kicked by users how long it took someone to build a gadget that helps PCs respond to all that foot-based input.
FORBES: At Last: Now You Can Control Your Computer With Your Feet
Even after all these years, it all looks so familiar to anyone who remembers those horrific images of people clinging to rooftops and huddled on bridges, waiting desperately for help to arrive.