In the U.S., the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 53.05 points, or 0.4% to 12952.07, after rising 50 points at one point in the day.
However, he had to back track after legal advice and at one point it appeared that very little, if anything, of the Wilby report would be published.
At one point after taking office, he was the second-most requested draw at members' events after House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
The bollard, installed to stop the street being used as a "rat run", was jammed in the upright position for two days at one point after being struck four times in a day.
Foster came close to quitting at one point, after he had two interviews for a job heading a biotech outfit.
At one point, after he felt Anderson was denied a penalty, he jabbed his finger at fourth official Mike Dean and then pointed angrily to the pitch.
At one point, after he felt midfielder Anderson had been denied a penalty, he jabbed his finger at fourth official Mike Dean and then pointed angrily to the pitch.
His sister, who Barthel identified as 16-year-old Madison Wallace, at one point went in after him and ended up falling into the surging water.
New York went 16-0 during the regular season when leading after two periods and has earned at least one point in those situations since Feb. 4, 2010.
The German telecoms giant Deutsche Telekom continued Wednesday's share price fall, sliding 4.8% to a new low at one point on Thursday after the credit rating agency Moody's cut its outlook for the group.
The underlying lawsuits (there were 26 of them at one point) erupted after lawyers noticed news articles about potential hearing loss and headsets and filed suits on behalf of millions of Motorola and Plantronics customers.
FORBES: Headset Settlement That Paid Lawyers, Not Clients, Is Rejected
When he finds it, he dives in and revels in it, at one point nearly suffering hypothermia after crawling inside a Grand Canyon cave that is the origin of a freshwater spring.
Closer to the dam, college students from the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point caught one sturgeon after another in large nets on long metal poles and wrestled them to shore, where state officials took down the lengths of the fish and inserted electronic tags under the skin of any sturgeon that didn't already have one.
After enjoying a seven-point lead over Celtic at one stage, Rangers are now playing catch-up.
Their compensation has proved so controversial that, at one point, fees were cut after creditors complained.
Martin Reilly and Ray Cullivan replied for Cavan who were probably satisfied to be just one point down at the break after being outplayed.
Saltash are just one point and one place below fifth-placed Plymouth Parkway after beating them 3-1 at the Kimberley Stadium.
Harry always had a strong Christian Faith but said he struggled for a while after the death of his friends, believing himself agnostic at one point.
In Washington, where 19 intersections were without working traffic lights at one point Saturday, a couple was electrocuted after they went outside to check on downed power lines.
Tyrone managed to go in at half-time with a one-point advantage after they played controlled football into the stiff breeze.
At one point, when the room service arrived (after five hours, but this was hardly a time to complain), we realised the extent of the damage inside the hotel - the waiter apologised profusely, explaining that it had be hard to prepare the food as the gas had got into the kitchen.
Mansfield are just one point above the relegation zone after a 2-0 defeat at Kidderminster on Tuesday.
The world number one looked to be on her way out after facing match point at 5-6 in the second set.
At one point the company had the entire smartphone market all to itself after extinguishing Palm.
At one point, 80 percent of the capital Manila was under water after experiencing the heaviest rainfall in 40 years.
Every single one of you at some point before you arrived in Congress and after you arrived in Congress have met constituents with heart-breaking stories.
Faisal Iqbal (27) was the first to fall after tea when he slashed a wide one from Siddle and was caught by Watson at deep point.
Anthony had 13 points but Lowry made four 3-pointers and DeRozan converted a three-point play with a second left to tie the score at 32 after one quarter.
At one point, he likened himself to the FBI, which adopted new failsafes after a case involving fingerprint misidentification revealed systemic problems.
FORBES: Jonah Lehrer Thinks He Can Humblebrag His Way Back Into Journalism