The report suggests that pupils take exams when they want to, rather than with their age-group.
Muscle cramps are most common in people over age 65, affecting more than two-thirds of that age-group.
You won't know what the local facilities are like, or even what age-group tends to favour the location.
The biggest single age-group backing the movement on Facebook was 25- to 34-year-olds.
The New Deal was launched at the end of a sharp decline in the size of the target age-group of 18-24-year-olds.
Now success at the Olympic Games and at FIFA age-group tournaments offers no guarantee of success at the full international level.
He cited research showing that 85% of age-group champions as kids fail to stay near the top by the time they reach their 20s.
WSJ: Tianlang Guan and the Sport That Eats Its Young | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
But most of the others were age-group competitions, some quite small.
WSJ: Tianlang Guan and the Sport That Eats Its Young | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
Most footraces, including the ING New York Marathon, don't test amateurs, including age-group winners, unless they finish at or near the top of the overall field.
In Christchurch, Fijiian wing Marika Vunibaka, Australian league convert Brad Thorn and age-group international Daniel Carter were the only non-All Blacks in the Canterbury starting XV.
If Mexico was building an insurmountable dominance at the age-group level then it was only a matter of time before it permeated right through the entire system.
Between 2m and 3m of the country's 40m people are thought to be infected and most new carriers are in the most economically productive age-group of 15 to 40.
It too sounds a fine idea, but even top private schools, with lots of money and good teachers, find it tricky to timetable lots of variation within one age-group's lessons.
He believes the best way for women in this age-group to keep their bones strong is to keep their body weight within normal levels and make sure they are exercising regularly.
Since these heights are about the same as the national average for university students from urban areas, and students from rural areas tend to be a bit smaller, roughly half the age-group is automatically ineligible.
The American male flight from work is so acute that more than 7% of men in their late 30s (the prime working age-group) had totally checked out of the workforce, even before the recent recession.
WSJ: Nicholas Eberstadt: Yes, Mr. President, We Are a Nation of Takers
That triumph was England's first age-group title since 1993 and Brooking, who has also championed the deployment of skills coaches for 5 to 11 year olds, said the team were "the best group we've had in six or seven years".
But the technology is most popular among the more affluent 25-34 age group, not the 18-24 age group often targeted by advertisers.
First, full-time workers in the 18-23 age group generally earn several times more than full-time students in that age group, who work part-time or during vacations.
Of note, more than one third of the injured children in this study were less than 6 years of age-the age group for which the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends against trampoline usage.
FORBES: Inflatable Bouncer-Related Injuries Sharply Increase in the U.S.
The percentage of people agreeing with this was in the 80s in every age group, except among the 45-54 age group, in which 90% of people agreed.
The highest percentage of readers by age was 88 percent, among the 18-24 age group, followed by 86 percent in the 16-17 range.
FORBES: Who Reads the Most in the US? The Answer Might Surprise You
By contrast, the rate of obesity -- a leading cause of type 2 diabetes in this age group -- was largely flat over the same time period, as previous CDC reports have shown.
The age group with the highest consultation rate was the 25-34 year age group at 147 consultations per 100, 000.
Many in this age group could be saving for a deposit on a home, whereas first-time buyers in the 25-to-34 age bracket could explain why that age group saw the smallest rise in take-up (24%).
The survey predicts that nearly half the additions to the Indian labour force over the period 2011-2030 will be in the 30-49 age group and says more needs to be done to provide this group with jobs in "higher-productivity" sectors.
However, this age group - often facing student debts - still has the lowest number of individuals subscribing to an Isa.
The Firefly phone is targeted at kids who fall into the "tween" demographic--roughly between the ages of 8 and 12--an age group some may argue is too young for a full-fledged mobile phone, yet old enough to want one.
This lies behind the British government's desire (unmatched by the necessary money) to have 50% of the 18-30 age group in university by 2010 and behind much German anxiety about that country's crowded but increasingly second-rate universities.
But the American evidence shows no significant change in four-year retention rates for any age group, although eight-year rates have slipped for under-55s.