"It is a global scandal that the vast majority of the morethan 110 million school-age children not in school are girls, " said Ms. Bellamy, noting the need for an all-out global effort to crack this major impediment to education for all.
Over the entire region of Northern America and Western Europe, there are morethan half a million adolescents of lower secondary school age who are not in education.
Conservative MP David Nuttall, who proposed the motion, argued there were morethan 40 million people of voting age in the UK who had not been consulted on the question of Europe.
Medical evidence showing girls of CYO age grow faster and are more coordinated than boys, and that girls and boys do not differ significantly in physiological parameters was never discussed.
Games ought to be age-rated, just as films are, and retailers should not sell adult-rated games to children any morethan they should sell them adult-rated films.