For the independent traveler, the subsequent two decades have been an AgeofDiscovery, just as the early-15th to early-17th centuries were for European mariners.
Whipped up by Charles Darwin's new perspective on life and by visions of lost worlds conjured up by Jules Verne and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, that was an ageofdiscovery.
But it is hard not to conclude that the Parisians have had the better deal: the paintings on display reveal all the subtle sophistication of Fra Angelico's art, lively survivors of a spiritual age on the brink ofdiscovery.
The discoveryof a bronze age granite cist, or grave, in 2011 in a peat bog on White Horse Hill revealed the first organic remains found on the moor and a hoard of about 150 beads.
The creature's discovery has astounded scientists because their age puts them within two recognized groups of pterodactyls -- primitive long-tailed forms and advanced short-tail forms -- and they display characteristics of both.