The first national Old Age Pension was brought in in 1909 by Lloyd George, the chancellor of the time.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Working Lunch | Pensions: Past, present and future
But the premise of this agreement is measures to hold down ballooning old-age pension, medical, and nursing care costs.
At the same time, old age pension, medical, and nursing welfare costs are growing at JPY 1 trillion a year.
The military, the old age pension checks, all those sorts of things.
After all it was that arch-reactionary, Otto von Bismarck, who introduced the world's first welfare system, including the old-age pension, in Germany in the 1860s.
Although Italian men must wait until 65 before they officially qualify for an old-age pension from the state, those who have got 35 years of contributions under their belts can retire and draw state pensions when they are 57.
In the rest of the public sector the government is linking the normal pension age to the state pension age, which is going to rise in due course from 65 to at least 68, in line with increased life expectancy.
Again there was mention at the recent budget of an increase in pension age and this has yet to be finalised but it is certain that pension ages will increase, although remember that there is a difference between the State Pension age and the age at which you are able to start to draw benefits for public sector or private pensions.
Now the problem comes, of course, because the closer you are to pension age, the more you hit the sort of cliff face, as it were, and somebody at 59 or in their early sixties with a 65 year old pension age is literally in no really different position than a pensioner.
You can also read our guides to how you could be affected by the end of the default retirement age and plans for a later state pension age.
Their pension age will increase in line with the state pension.
Union leaders have said there are still major divisions between them and the government over three key proposals - to raise the pension age, to increase workers' contributions and to link pension values to the generally lower consumer prices index (CPI) rather than the retail prices index (RPI).
This suggests middle age itself now spans 14 years and goes well beyond the government's planned state pension age of 66.
The government says the timetable for raising the state pension age to 67 is too slow.
The state pension age will be reviewed every five years, pensions minister Steve Webb has said.
To receive the payment before they reach state pension age, the men must file a claim.
The bill raises the pension age for women to 65 in 2018 and then 66 in 2020.
Increasing the staff pension age to 68 would save, it is claimed, a billion and a half euros.
Raising the state pension age to 66 for both men and women by 2020 will also save money.
Of course many more of us will be forced to work longer as the pension age begins to rise.
BBC: Could older people's benefits be next for welfare cuts?
Under the proposals, police and firefighters will have a normal pension age of 60, rising to 62 in 2031.
His promise partly to undo Mr Sarkozy's rise in the pension age runs against the tide of European reforms.
Earlier this month it made a new offer, including protection for anyone within 10 years of their pension age.
They include raising the pension age and increasing the amount members must contribute.
The shadow chancellor also attacked the decision to freeze the age-related pension allowance, labelling it a "tax grab on pensioners".
Under current law, the state pension age will rise to 66 for both men and women between 2018 and 2020.
As well as disagreeing on euro-zone bail-outs, the parties are at odds on tax, pension age, foreign aid and immigration.
Ministers have already made a compromise by pushing back the date for raising the state pension age to October 2020.
The SDLP's Mark H Durkan said the proposed amendments to the state pension age in Northern Ireland were "unfair and illogical".
The government has been holding a consultation over the summer into whether further reforms are needed to the state pension age.