The story, set in Lisbon, concerns Eloi (Henrique Canto e Castro), a paunchy middle-aged man, who finds Samuel (Dinis Neto Jorge), a young sad sack, about to kill himself by plunging into the sea.
In addition to returning shows United States of Tara, Nurse Jackie, Weeds and Dexter, Showtime is readying The Borgias (a period drama starring Jeremy Irons), Episodes (A BBC co-produced comedy with Matt LeBlanc playing himself) and another middle-aged actress vehicle, The Big C (a cancer comedy starring Laura Linney).
Sir Michael (aged 76) is a leader with enduring roots in the Sepik area of PNG.
But he was disabused of this in 2008 when (aged 17) he sought a part-time job at the local football club.
"Recent data shows that the majority of viewers (aged 18-44) use a second screen, either a tablet or smartphone, while watching TV, " he says.
BBC: Digital product placement creates adverts out of thin air
An initial glance of the three papers would seem to tip the balance in favour of healthy middle-aged people popping a daily low dose (75mg) of aspirin.
Millennials (those aged 18-29) were a larger share of the turnout than in 2008, but 176, 000 fewer in number.
In calm and workaday Lisbon, Pilar (Teresa Madruga), a lonely, low-key, middle-aged social activist, gently pursued by a gentleman artist, finds her elderly neighbor, Aurora (Laura Soveral), a capricious faded beauty, in decline and struggling under the loving care of a home attendant.
In addition to the Survivor Benefit that is available as early as age 60, there is also a Survivor Benefit available for a (potentially) much younger surviving spouse if that survivor is caring for a child aged 16 or younger.
Potentiation of brain acetylcholine neurons by Kami-Untan-To (KUT) in aged mice: implications for a possible antidementia drug.
Stanley Phillips (John Cusack) is a middle-aged store manager with spectacles and a touch of flab.
The only really interesting characters are a middle-aged couple, David (Bruce Davison) and Sean (Mark Lamos).
One in ten Britons (and a fifth of all people aged 25 to 34) now lives with a partner outside wedlock.
Consider households headed by people aged 60 to 62, nearing retirement, with a 401(k)-type account at their jobs.
My last food adventure was in the Czech Republic, trying some cheese that had been aged in a jar for three months with onions and (I think) chilli peppers.
Kolko dug into Census data to see how common it has been over the years for single young women (aged 25-34) with no children to own a single-family detached home.
FORBES: Barbie Selling 'Pinktastic' Malibu Dream House For $25 Million
If you are a twin (identical or non-identical) aged over 15 who would like to volunteer to join the 10, 000 twins on the register of the Twin Research Unit at St Thomas' Hospital, call 020 7188 5555.
The four runners up in this category included a game called Neutron Craft by Bradley Pollard, aged 18, , a web server called Pancake by Yussuf Khalil (15), a file synchroniser built by Hannes Westermann, also 17, called BerryBox and a music player called RasPod from 17-year-old Aneesh Dogra.
Stanley, who is aged over 10, has a wingspan of more than 6ft (1.82m).
In 2009, American Indian or Alaska Native children aged 2 to 4 had a higher prevalence of obesity (20.7%) than any other racial or ethnic group.
Kelly (aged 14) comes from Brazil, lives in Suriname and hitches a ride by canoe across the Maroni River each morning to school in Maripasoula, French Guiana.
The story, narrated by the aged Ptolemy (Anthony Hopkins) and unfolding in flashback, takes us from a princely boyhood in Macedonia, under the raging rule of Val Kilmer, to the rout of Darius at Gaugamela in 331 B.
When it comes to getting at the truth, subjects like green and corporate social responsibility (CSR) rank right up there with asking a middle-aged man why he bought the sports car.
Since 2001, the UNESCO Venice Office collaborates with Gruppo Alcuni in supporting Ciak Junior - The Cinema made by Children, a creative approach aimed at promoting the future generations (school aged youth) of film actors, screenwriters and directors.
While the regal splendour of the pavilion (a classic of Victorian architecture) still dominates one end, the space-aged media centre hovers above the other.
The consultation will be attended by two representatives (one boy and one girl) aged 20-25 from each country that is currently a member of the World Heritage Committee.
As a result, it is estimated that 30% of Roma adults (aged 45 years and above) are illiterate and have never attended school.
UNESCO: Parent Empowerment for Family Literacy Project (PEFaL)
In contrast, there has been a decrease of 69, 000 (11%) in the number of children aged between five and 14 over the past decade.
So did the young, and more usefully: a disproportionate number of Iranians are aged between 15 and 25 (the vote is given at 15).
At a stroke, whole generations of middle-aged Tory men can feel dreams of high office evaporating like the fumes from a consoling tumbler (or two) of late-night Scotch.