An agency called the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf decides on the merits of the case, but it has no powers of enforcement.
Each brokerage allots a portion of the proceeds to the respective agent, depending on the agency's commission split agreement.
President-elect Obama rounded out his economic team on Thursday, naming Mary Schapiro to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, an agency that has been the focus of criticism in recent weeks for failing to act on questionable practices that may have cost investors billions of dollars.
He has been chairman of the government agency since September 2004 and is Scotland commissioner on the UK Commission for Employment and Skills.
The State Department investigation found that Iraqi ministries routinely refuse to cooperate with Iraq's Commission on Public Integrity, and the watchdog agency's investigators are often unable to enter government offices because they don't have enough firepower to defend themselves.
Activists embedded a video statement on the homepage of the United States Sentencing Commission, an agency of the US government.
The report calls on the European Commission to extend the remit of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to cover safety inspections of offshore installations such as oil rigs.
The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights describes itself as an "independent, bipartisan agency" directed by the White House to -- among other duties -- investigate complaints that citizens have been unfairly deprived of their right to vote.
Financial stocks continued to fall even after the Securities and Exchange Commission slapped all sorts of restrictions on short-selling last month, but the agency has extended those restrictions anyway.
The Energy Secretary Chris Huhne is before the Environmental Audit Committee, talking about Carbon Budgets, and Work and Pensions Minister Maria Miller will be giving evident to the Work and Pensions Committee on the new Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission - the replacement for the now defunct Child Support Agency.
The court, however, refused both at that time and now to decide whether the commission's policy violates the First Amendment guarantee of free speech, ruling only on the agency's enforcement power.
The Energy and Climate Change Committee (on Thursday at 9.30am) investigates the pros and cons with witnesses from the Environment Agency, the EU Commission Environment Directorate-General, and Energy Minister Greg Barker.