Of course, people of various faiths, agnostics and atheists make questionable statements all the time.
There were around 13.4 million atheists and agnostics, up 49% over the same period.
The Freethinkers say that they are not necessarily atheists, but include agnostics, secular humanists, deists and Unitarian Universalists.
The quote is from John Keats' letters and describes 'Negative Capability' which should be the slogan for agnostics!
It is not just the anti-religious, agnostics or atheists who want to keep religion out of the office.
The founders themselves ranged from Christians to agnostics, but their center of gravity was a deism that accepted the duality of human nature.
Atheists and agnostics can have easy access to people espousing religious agendas.
More than a third of the students in the studies were atheists or agnostics, yet the scientists found that they were still influenced by subconscious thoughts of God.
WSJ: Jonah Lehrer on Religious Thoughts and Self-Control | Head Case
This has to be the state of mind that agnostics can work with to combat extremism and be open to scientific advances as well as the spiritual dimension.
The U.S. is the top destination for the world's migrating Christians and Buddhists, as well as those with no particular religious affiliation, including atheists and agnostics, a new study shows.
WSJ: U.S. Top Destination for Christian, Buddhist Immigrants, Study Says
But we have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and that their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own.
In addition, as extremists of every description become more vocal, perhaps a label would help to legitimise the views of agnostics and help to avoid them being written off as fence sitters.
We can be fairly certain that those who behaved so courageously in demonstrating that their first instinct was to help a fellow human being involved conservatives, liberals, libertarians, progressives, Christians, Jews, Muslims, agnostics and atheists.
FORBES: Glenn Beck Just Doesn't Get America's Strong Character
Out of the 46 million Americans with no religious affiliation, 13 millions are self-described atheists and agnostics, but another 33 million are people who ascribe to some faith just not to any house of worship.
FORBES: Selling Religion: Why My Church Sponsored Youth Baseball and Softball