But I believe on balance we have much more to agree on than to disagree on, and so does the President believe that.
He said that the two sides agree on some things and disagree on others.
But there is a more generous interpretation: that France and Germany, like an old married couple, have many interests in common and can agree to disagree on the others.
Moderate Republicans like Congressman Billy Tauzin of Louisiana said that "there was more we can agree than disagree on" but indicated that he would be inclined to increase the drug benefits to those who remain in traditional Medicare programmes.
Rand Paul said Friday that Republicans could appeal to a broader electorate in blue states like California by connecting with voters who have shunned the party in the past and by being big enough to agree to disagree on some issues.
While all involved agree on this worthy goal, the legislators disagree on how best to stop rogue websites.
We will have to agree to disagree though on your comment regarding confusing the clients out there with our titles.
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You are going to agree on some things, and you are going to disagree on others.
The meeting was a good opportunity to move past the usual rhetoric and sound-bites that have come to characterize this debate and identify areas on which we agree and disagree.
It stands to reason that we should be able to agree on what we agree on and then continue to debate on what we disagree on.
In the Middle East, those protesting agree completely on removing existing regimes but thoroughly disagree about the future.
We have to focus not so much on those narrow areas where we disagree, but on the broad areas where we agree.
And Congress could do that simply by acknowledging that Republicans and Democrats all agree on this, and that we should act on that and then debate the things that we disagree on as we move forward.
WHITEHOUSE: Gaggle aboard Air Force One en route Orlando, FL,
The Conservative and Liberal Democrat leaderships agree on the need for new measures, but they disagree over their scope.
BBC: Draft Communications Data Bill cannot proceed - Nick Clegg
While Stewart and I might disagree on specific issues, we can agree on the need to allow for more subjectivity in the process.
FORBES: Jon Stewart's Marco Rubio Interview: How Personal Experiences Shape Political Views
Reasonable people disagree on where we will spend eternity, but most agree that this is our only trip through this life.
Politicians from both parties agree that innovation should be our national strategy, but they often disagree on the best way to pursue it.
So while we agree on the importance of 'choice' as a driver of reform, we disagree on the methods of bringing that choice about.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech
While I agree with many of his suppositions on what makes a great leader, I vehemently disagree that only one leadership style can work effectively.
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Agree or disagree with the policies, the Administration has clearly tried to put itself on the side of students.
FORBES: Student debt: Obama gets it, Romney and Gingrich don't
Although knowledgeable professionals can disagree which approach is workable on a given set of facts, most agree that ignoring the situation is inadvisable.
We can all agree that this has taken way longer than it should have, but I disagree heartily on one point, and am reserving judgment (for lack of information) on another.
The fact is we have a relationship with China that ensures that we can act on -- in areas where we agree, and we can be frank and clear in areas where we disagree or we have differences.