When Democrats and Republicans agree on something, it should be pretty easy to get it done.
At long last, Verizon and I had managed to agree on something.
The Electoral College won't be replaced until the states can agree on something to replace it with--and they've been trying for 200 years without success.
Under Lisbon, if one-third of the national parliaments agree on something, they can act together to oblige the Commission to cancel and review a wrong decision.
When both Republicans and Democrats agree on something, it is not a cause for celebration but a reason to heighten scrutiny over the measure in question.
The process required not only getting Republicans and Democrats to agree on something, but also getting environmentalists and, more importantly, auto manufacturers to agree on something that no party really likes.
Apparently, Republicans and Democrats can agree on something.
If Washington can agree on something or at least push out the day of reckoning, bank stocks must start to discount the end to net interest margin depression, a big plus dwelling in the cards.
Sustainable development is a term that was crafted by diplomats hoping to get diametrically opposed environmental and economic ministers from more than 100 countries to agree on something their heads of state could sign on to before the end of a summit.
It is something that Democrats and Republicans agree on, and it is something, because there is that agreement, we should be able to act on right away.
Music professionals from various niches in the field seem to agree on one thing: Something needs to change.
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It comes back to the pricing issue and I think as Trevor outlined before the block tariff approach, the lifeline subsidies and so on is something that we probably all agree on as an approach to that.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Water privatisation: Ask the experts
Maybe here is something both lovers and despisers of Apple (and I, full disclosure, am in the former camp) can agree on: There really is something admirable, enviable, but also almost creepy in the passions the company and its products inspire.
This is something we all agree on.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Must Act to Create Jobs and Grow the Economy | The White House
Just to give you an example, the idea of eliminating capital gains for small businesses -- something we can all agree on.
Something on which I agree with the usually patronizingly Rick Ungar!
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Here's something we can all agree on: data caps are a bummer, especially now that we've all got smartphones capable of gobbling literally gigabytes a day.
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While many observers are concerned about the lack of progress, they're also concerned that the only way for everybody to get out of Rio on schedule will be to agree something completely anodyne.
But in order to get something that a majority can agree on, I think the basis and the framework for that is encompassed in this agreement.
This is something that everyone says they agree on.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Should Keep America Moving Forward | The White House
And just by doing that, we could alleviate some of the concern about the so-called fiscal cliff -- which should not, regardless, take any pressure off Congress from the absolute need to act, but it should demonstrate to the American people the ability of Congress to come together and pass something that everyone says they agree on and the President agrees on.
And I think it is enormous relief for America to think that both parties might vote for something, anything that they could both agree on.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with President Obama and President Clinton
That's something we should all be able to agree on.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at Conference on Conservation
Because in the end, this is something that I think we can all agree on, no matter where we come from, no matter what we might think about any other issue.
And I think in many ways it's a testament to the hard work of a lot of people in the administration in bringing a very disparate group of stakeholders together for the very first time to agree on one standard for emissions and for fuel economy, something that hasn't been done before.
That's something that we should all be able to agree on pretty quickly.