• The kiosks displayed the minimum and maximum price paid for soyabeans at 60 mandis, updated once a day, along with agricultural information and weather forecasts.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus: Worth a hill of soyabeans | The

  • In addition to education and entertainment, it provides agricultural information, such as prices, weather data and farming tips, that can be called up from special menus on some Nokia handsets.

    ECONOMIST: Beyond voice

  • The conference call will discuss a report on agricultural prices requested by France, it was compiled by the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS).

    BBC: Food price fears prompt plans for emergency talks

  • The Agricultural Market Information System, which was established last year and allows the world's major food producers to work off common data as well as providing a forum for discussion, has played an important part.

    BBC: Food price crisis: What crisis?

  • Intuit adopted such a strategy when developing Fasal, a mobile platform that delivers agricultural market price information to farmers in India.

    FORBES: Lean Startup Strategy Not Just for Startups

  • Why should farmers enjoy special protection? (A silly question, perhaps, in a world where governments routinely stuff rustic pockets with taxpayers' money, but one that needs to be asked.) Another worry, says John Copeland, a professor at the National Centre for Agricultural Law Research and Information in Fayetteville, Arkansas, is that tobacco firms might use these laws to bankrupt their critics.

    ECONOMIST: Food-disparagement laws

  • Grameen's collaboration with MTN and Google in Uganda is just one of dozens of services across the developing world that offer agricultural, market and health information via mobile phones.

    ECONOMIST: Beyond voice

  • In fact, Professor Nie Fengyang , Director of the Division of International Information at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, told me that she was confronted with that very question at a presentation she gave recently to a group of Chinese bank executives.

    FORBES: Pork Prices and Inflation

  • Shaya is a developer with no agricultural background, but recognizes the immense opportunity to use information technology to address the challenges farmers face managing their fields.

    FORBES: Farmonic On Developing Field Management Software for Sustainable Farms

  • We took an agricultural economy and transformed it into an industrial economy, then into an information economy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a DNC event in Austin, Texas

  • The Royal Agricultural Society of England and its counterparts in Wales and Scotland have listings and information.

    BBC: The great British country show: A cultural eye opener

  • America is not only the most competitive country in information technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology, but is also a frontrunner in agricultural innovation.

    FORBES: Think Again: America's Best Days Are Still Ahead

  • What we can be sure is that the growth of sophisticated financial systems will continue to play an important role in fashioning the changes in all of our lives, including funding (often speculatively) the technologies that have transformed our world already from an agricultural to an industrial economy, and are now perhaps shaping the first post-industrial information economy.

    BBC: Of bulbs and bubbles

  • Women do the majority of the agricultural work across Africa and South Asia, but they don't have equal access to information and farm supplies.

    CNN: Empowered women make nations strong

  • The focus on data is intentional: While other classes teach ag students how to repair combines or learn the proper chemical mixes of common fertilizers, students in agricultural economist Kevin Moore's "Returning to the Farm" class create business plans using financial information from their own family farms.

    NPR: Future Heads Of Family Farms Dig Into Financials

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