She claims that he used some of the funds to buy the yogurt factory that became Agro-Farma.
If the government is serious about development, some say, agro-industry is much more promising than small-scale farming.
For example, through agro-biodiversity, we have obtained the immense variety of crops and livestock on which people depend.
The Banco do Nordeste, a public-sector regional development bank, has increased its lending to agro-industrial projects in the semi-arido.
Since roads are generally dreadful, advances in communications, with mobile banking and telephonic agro-info, have been a huge boon.
Brazil has followed more or less the opposite of the agro-pessimists' prescription.
Kansas State University, on the western edge of the corridor, is among five sites being considered for the National Bio and Agro-Defence Facility.
ECONOMIST: Animal health: From stockyards to animal health | The
Something which is already evident in the agriculture sector, where the farmers may be independent farmers but are relentlessly on the leash to agro-chem firms.
He is promoting agro-industrial co-ops, to increase rural employment and income.
It recently launched four agro-industrial businesses supplying staple products such as milk and maize flour, and its retail-food chain, Mercal, aims to cover 60% of the market.
Yungas's organic coffee and agro-forestry have enormous potential for growth.
Funding for the National Bio- and Agro-defense Facility, however, has slowed in recent years because of tight federal funding sources and ongoing reviews of the laboratory's size, scope and risk.
The framework includes several agro-environmental modules and models.
Chenda Sophea says he is particularly encouraged by interested rumblings from German, French and U.S. agro--industrial companies -- a refreshing change from "classical investors" in the garment, logging, hotel, brewing and tobacco industries.
To provide jobs and stop their children leaving the land, they want government support to develop agro-industrial projects, such as fish and fruit farming and market gardening, says Ilda de Souza, leader of a co-operative there.
The plan also involves parachuting in as chief executive of the Fiat parent company Enrico Bondi, an old Mediobanca hand who made his reputation turning round the Ferruzzi agro-chemicals business and, latterly, sorting out troubled Telecom Italia.
Singapore has year-round temperatures of around 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) and the farm is set in an open area designated by the government as an agro-technology park, miles away from the shadow of city skyscrapers.
Agricultural-product disparagement statutes, which were dreamt up by a congressman after alarms over the use of Alar, an agro-chemical, damaged his apple business in 1989, shield farmers from criticism in a way no other industry can claim.
Liberal Democrat AMs have not welcomed the agro-environment scheme in the past saying that it was "introduced too soon and in a rushed fashion before the scheme policy detail was properly developed in a true partnership with stakeholders".
Over the course of 5 days the participants learned best practices of running rural advisory services, particularly, received in-depth information on the methodology and key concepts of agro-consulting, as well as methods of problem solving, including identification and analysis.
SBS-Agro, another muscular Moscow bank, while Sevodnya is in Vladimir Gusinsky's Media-Most empire.
SBS-Agro had offered to pay depositors in kind: suggestions included holidays and office furniture.
"DHS has a mandate from the President to find cost-effective means to meet our nation's bio-and-agro security needs, " he said.