This all stays very much on the surface and, for something aiming to show off Outhwaite's skills, it does not task her very much.
The government is aiming to switch off analogue television signals in Britain by 2012, when all homes should be able to receive digital output.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | BBC digital TV fee hike 'opposed'
If you're aiming to pay off your mortgage in a short period you can still save a bundle, says Clifford Slater, a licensed loan officer in Newton, Mass.
Since plan profitability is capped, and any excess earnings are clawed back by Washington, the insurers are better off aiming high when it comes to setting premiums (and owing an excess revenue back to Washington) then getting themselves caught underwater.
FORBES: Obamacare Insurance Plans will be Expensive -- and Consumers will be left Disappointed
Peers voted by a majority of six to put a "sunset clause" in the legislation, aiming to kill off the bill after the next general election unless a future government chose to revive it, and by a majority of four to restrict the issues on which referendums would be held.
Good to see those budding super villains were aiming high: ripping off a billionaire only to promptly order a double sausage with extra cheese.
Tirelessly stumping from mountain meadow to beer hall, Mr Stoiber fired off figures aiming to show Bavaria is a paragon of low crime, low debt and low unemployment (6.5%, against a national rate of 10.6%), attractive to investors and holiday-makers alike.
Djokovic clinched his third straight China Open title on Sunday, celebrating by joining a troupe of dancers to show off his "Gangnam" skills, and is aiming for a strong finish to a year that has tailed off somewhat.
JPMorgan plans to lay off even more, aiming to cut nearly 7 percent of its employees over the next two years.
He also promised to make it easier for single parents to ease the shift from welfare to work, by aiming to ensure they are better off in employment than on benefit.
Once again the team will be doubling up in their glory bids, with German sprinter Erik Zabel aiming to win back his green jersey off Robbie McEwen.
Swanson had set off from Seattle on 1 May aiming to raise money for the One World Futbol Project, according to his Breakaway Brazil website.
Both of these are aiming for true mobility, retaining the hand-off circuitry and trying to make terminals as small as possible. (They are currently about the size of a videotape, but both firms claim that cards which can fit inside a laptop are coming soon.) In the process, however, they have sacrificed telephony and focused solely on data-only systems.
He will be at Carmarthen Market on Friday showing off some of his previous models and is aiming to get the challenge under way before Christmas.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Matchstick men in Titanic challenge
Don't be put off by the name: Chef Toru Wachi is aiming for low-key eclectic, starting with his cuisine.
In phones, TI is aiming to enable new services and form factors, in part to fend off rivals.
FORBES: TI Views Tablets, MeeGo, Windows Phone 7 As ��Big Opportunity��
Shackleton was aiming to circumnavigate the Antarctic continent when he died of a heart attack off South Georgia in 1922.
BBC: Stone returned to Ernest Shackleton's grave after 75 years
"I'm aiming for the Highlands in August, but that's a long way off - I'm just trying to look after myself day by day, " he said.
All are aiming to acquire large numbers of users in preparation for the day when Internet commerce takes off.
When Bristol launched the face-off, it pitted a less-potent Pravachol pill against the highest-dose Lipitor pill, aiming to show that higher doses didn't have much additional effect.