When the differential is in positive territory (red) it means higher, stronger air over the North Atlantic pushes up on the low-pressure air over the Arctic circle.
"The Su-35 fighters can effectively reduce pressure on China's air defence before Chinese-made stealth fighters come online, " the People's Daily was quoted as saying.
More has been spent on airports recently, thanks to aid from America and to the pressure of international air-safety groups, which try to ensure that aircraft landing fees are not spirited away by governments.
As an inflatable limb, it can also operate delicately around meatbags -- just as the air pressure is increased for strength, it can be decreased when in close proximity to people so as not to injure them.
When there is no wind, for example, heat builds up in a city, creating a low-pressure system that pulls air into the city.
"By that I mean try to imagine creating a cavity inside your mouth without any air bubbles and by letting in no air through your lips or throat -- it's basically impossible at sea level because the air pressure outside your mouth pushes the air pocket closed, " he said.
CNN: Training for civilian space travel is no picnic, Garriott says
The strength of the high-tech material allows airlines to raise cabin air pressure and increase humidity, which should make passengers more comfortable on long flights.
This offers designers a way to find out how, at a micro-level, the air is moving over body panels and exerting pressure on them.
The BBC's Karen Allen in Kabul says that will come as welcome news for foreign forces, which have faced government pressure in the past week to limit air strikes during anti-Taliban operations civilians areas.
The air pressure is also now closer to what is normal in Denver, Colorado -- the mile-high city at 5, 280ft -- than the traditionally higher, and more mountaintop-like standard of 8, 000ft above sea level, sparing fliers from the mild altitude sickness that can be experienced when flying a long distance.
During the dive, which takes up to four hours due to the high density of the water (it is filled with certain chemicals plus air pressure to simulate the circumstances found in space), the cosmonauts in training practice space walking -- and may lose a few kilos off their waist line in the strenuous process.
During the Russian side of the pre-sleep debriefing on Sunday, Mission Control in Moscow congratulated Kaleri for fixing the leak and stabilizing air pressure.
But in pressure-sensitive paints, excited luminescent molecules dump some of their energy into the oxygen in the air in a way that prevents them from lighting up.