These include: eight sophisticated diesel submarines, advanced SU-30 fighter aircraft, modern air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons, supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles and as many as 350 short- and medium-range ballistic missiles.
The unit also found what it said were a number of surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles about 50 yards away, and about 150 gas masks of a higher quality than others left behind by retreating Iraqi troops.
Two of its nationals were recently arrested trying to sell Chinese-made QW-2 man-portable surface-to-air missiles in this country.
It reportedly supplied both humanitarian assistance and arms - including deadly SA-7 man-portable surface-to-air missiles - apparently destined for Islamists, again including al Qaeda elements, in Syria.
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Their S-300s are upgraded versions of the nuclear-capable SA-10 surface-to-air missiles, thousands of which have been deployed across the former Soviet Union.
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But Russia also has thousands of SA-5, SA-10, and SA-12 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) defending against short-and medium-range missiles such as those in the arsenals of China, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, and other countries.
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The tests included the first night test of the Shahab-3 missile, said to have a range of 2, 000km (1, 240 miles), along with shore-to-sea, surface-to-surface and sea-to-air missiles, state media reported.
Soon, 30 Mil Mi-28 attack helicopters the current standard for Russian forces in all-weather, day-night, operations and 42 Pantsir-S1 short to medium range surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft systems again the latest in Russian technology and capable of defense against stealth aircraft will be headed to Iraq.
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When B-1Bs went into action in Kosovo, air force commanders could see Serbian SA-6 surface-to-air missile radars track the planes.
The Syrians have introduced more muscular military tactics against the opposition gradually: first artillery, then air power and then surface-to-surface missiles.
Mr Haggerty reckons this would require (for openers) striking around 450 targets, including more than 20 command, control and early-warning radar centres, 150 SAM sites, 205 aircraft shelters, 32 additional air-base targets, 27 surface-to-surface (SS) missile batteries and 12 anti-ship cruise-missile batteries.
The same goes for the border with Egypt now being traversed with impunity by smugglers of ever-more-dangerous arms - including, it appears, surface-to-air missiles capable of downing airliners flying into and out of Israeli airports.
Indeed, being focused on odors -- which themselves require air to move, or a surface to light on -- means that for my dogs, the street outside our apartment building is different each time we step out the door.
Bunkin, designer of the SA-5 and SA-10 surface-to-air missiles.
Brooks said U.S. Special Operations forces found 80 SA-2 or SA-3 surface-to-air missiles hidden within a ravine, and the U.S. Army 5th Corps found a weapons cache with 91 cases of TNT and plastic explosives, six homemade bombs, and 23 cases of rocket-propelled grenades -- and, elsewhere, the Corps found 10 small caches of ammunition and weapons.
Two AC-130s have been recently lost - one was shot down by a surface-to-air missile, another crashed in Somalia when, it is thought, a round accidentally exploded.
Lee has accumulated irrefutable, unclassified evidence of a dirty little secret: Those responsible for designing and deploying the Kremlin's ABM system around Moscow (which was allowed under the 1972 ABM Treaty) were under orders to use its radars and 8, 000-10, 000 surface-to-air interceptors to assemble an illegal nation-wide missile defense.
The former president of the Kent Golf Union and former director of Surrey-based Brooklands International Freight Services previously denied attempting to sell batteries for surface-to-air missiles that were to be shipped from the US to Tehran via the Netherlands, saying he was the victim of an FBI sting.
Prosecutors in New Jersey recently used the Patriot Act to convict Yehuda Abraham, whose services were used in a plot to sell shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles to terrorists with the understanding that they were going to be used to shoot down U.S. commercial aircraft.
The ship, Yemen says, contained Iranian-made bomb-making material, suicide belts, explosives, rockets, surface-to-air missiles, grenades and ammunition.
But without a no-fly zone or plenty of surface-to-air missiles to bring down regime jets many rebels think they will struggle.
Worse yet, the capacity for still-more-deadly forms of terrorism is growing as surface-to-air missiles, high explosives and other ordnance are being smuggled across the now effectively open border with Egypt.
The plane, with the wingspan of a 737, flies pilotlessly at 20, 000 meters--out of range of all but the best surface-to-air missiles.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld ordered Tuesday the air defense systems deployed around Washington armed with surface-to-air missiles.
Now, to get the Russians onboard with this deal, a concession was made by which Moscow would be allowed to sell surface-to-air missiles to the Iranians.
If I were to build to a surface-to-air missile capable of destroying an airliner, can I assume that Sheriff Mueller would not only refuse to enforce federal registration, but would actively prevent federal agents from arresting me?
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The sale of advanced SA-18 surface-to-air missiles in late 2005 is just one example.
Iran is defended, but mainly by Soviet-era surface-to-air missiles of a kind the Israelis have dealt with before.
But a US official told the BBC the target had been a convoy carrying SA-17 surface-to-air missiles bound for the Shia militant movement Hezbollah in neighbouring Lebanon.
During the trial, a U.S. soldier who was present when Hamdan was captured originally said Hamdan was driving a car that had SA-7 surface-to-air missiles intended for al Qaeda.