You can actually visualize the pinstriped suit, smell the coffee in his oversized mug and taste the salty air blowing in through the open window.
Down the road, as you sit there behind your desk, you may find yourself reminiscing about the days spent with a hoe in your hand and sweat on your brow and fresh air blowing across you face.
Alternating current causes two plates to attract or repel each other, sucking air in or blowing air out like as a tiny bellows would -- one that resonates at over 100Hz.
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Current HVAC systems get rid of stale, germ-ridden indoor air by cooling or heating fresh outdoor air and blowing it through ventilation ducts, a process that gobbles electricity.
First the ducks are inflated by blowing air between the skin and body.
Indeed, China seems to be embracing art at the moment and the art world is blowing air kisses back.
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That would have the effect of stretching the field, rather as a balloon is stretched by blowing air into it.
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With no speakers and no microphones, the sound is produced mechanically by hitting parts of the building, causing the girders to vibrate, or blowing air through pipes.
Instead of moving a physical surface, fluidic controls divert the airflow over a wing by blowing compressed air out of narrow slots.
Inside the bar, the fans cheered and shouted raucously at the TV screens, chanting "Forca Angola" ("Go Angola") and blowing vuvuzela air horns.
That error caused the Fed to hold interest rates too low for too long, blowing more air into the bubble and imposing enormous negative consequences on the economy.
"There is something great about blowing all of the hot air out of a room, " commented Maurice Ashley nine years after the match.
Instead of placing our fingers in the air to determine which way the wind is blowing, we enlist the help of others to change the direction of the wind.
Using powerful vehicle-mounted air blasters, soldiers can search for contact wires by blowing away leaves, sand and soil.
News of Mr Chavez's resignation caused hundreds of flag-waving and whistle-blowing Venezuelans to surround the city's air force base, La Carlota, in the hope of seeing Mr Chavez' departure from the country.
But the wind was blowing in, hanging the ball up in the air just long enough for Baxter to extend with his left arm and grab it with his glove.
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Earlier this summer an anonymous air-traffic controller filing a report to Chirp, the industry's confidential whistle-blowing agency, claimed that pilots of low-cost airlines were cutting corners to achieve flight timetables.
Air quality alerts were issued for northern Santa Barbara County and adjacent southern San Luis Obispo County because of blowing dust and sand.
The crew of the Coast Guard MH-60J helicopter CG 6007, U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak, nominated by the United States of America, for rescuing, at night, in blowing snow and sub-zero temperatures, all five crew members from a stranded fishing vessel, in Alaska, in February 2011.
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Winds have been strong, in some cases blowing more than 70 kph (43 mph), which makes the wind chill much colder than the air temperature.