The technique he used caused an air bubble to stop Mr Belcuore's heart.
Fortunately for me however, a pesky air bubble was all it took to keep them in Annapolis for a few extra hours.
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But the technique caused an air bubble that stopped Mr Belcuore's heart.
Apparently there was an air bubble somewhere in their fuel system that was turning this rather simple routine into an all-day affair of filling up and emptying out jerry cans.
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While some air can bubble out the open end, the majority of it stays inside, in the same way air stays in the upside down glass.
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That error caused the Fed to hold interest rates too low for too long, blowing more air into the bubble and imposing enormous negative consequences on the economy.
"He told me before he died that his real desire was to somehow find a way to put air in the bubble when you needed it rather than when you made it, " Hickey says.
Set the flat end on a perfectly flat surface, and a bubble of air points straight up.
But by letting some air out of the bubble sooner, the impact on inflation and output when it bursts is more modest.
Press on one bubble and the air merely flows down the line to another.
Perhaps Wall Street will slide slowly downwards, letting air gently out of the bubble.
Sealed Air constantly works on bettering Bubble Wrap (the original patent lasted until 1985, thanks to revisions).
Air is injected into the bubble rows by a squeaky pneumatic pump, then the sheets are heat-sealed on one edge.
In March, I called for the CME to use its power to take the air out of the oil bubble.
China has taken a series of measures since 2010 to slowly let the air out of the housing bubble, but recently the market appeared to be overheating again.
But even Bubble Wrap needs innovation, and Sealed Air recently unveiled the latest improvement, the result of a 40-year quest: inflatable Bubble Wrap.
The Harvard physicist Russell Seitz wants to create what amounts to a giant oceanic bubble bath: bubbles trap air, which brightens them enough to reflect sunlight away from the surface of the earth.
As it happens, the residential property bubble in America has begun to lose air and the overall economy has eased some, but commodities have risen.
The company reports that the new bubble system, officially termed the Mitsubishi Air Lubrication System (MALS), will reduce ship carbon emissions by up to 25%.
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Keep the windows closed and the air-conditioning on, giving you an allergen free bubble.
This suggests the possibility that some of the revolutionary air of the Arab Spring art may eventually penetrate the bubble of the Gulf art scene.
Bubble Wrap is a better protector than either, but Sealed Air must constantly sell potential customers on its superiority.
Much of that was funneled into the protective-packaging segment, which includes Bubble Wrap, Jiffy mailers, Instapak foam cushioning and Fill-Air inflatable packs.
The chart bubble has yet to burst, but it certainly is full of hot air.
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Rather than the short-sharp-shock needed to burst any bubble, Treasuries have seemingly been undergoing a slowing of demand, a release of air if you will, that may reduce the risk of any actual pop.
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Obama also discussed the "life in the bubble, " musing over how Secret Service agents would not let him walk 750 yards from Air Force One to the Costa Mesa fairgrounds, where some of the day's activities were to take place.