Ingesting this slower air allows an engine to burn its fuel more efficiently while generating the same amount of thrust.
ECONOMIST: The aircraft of the future
The X-43A, or "Hyper-X" was built specifically to test scramjets, or supersonic ramjets, which burn fuel in air travelling at supersonic speeds.
BBC: Mach 10 scramjet prepares for launch
But I also want to work with this Congress to encourage the research and technology that helps natural gas burn even cleaner and protects our air and our water.
WHITEHOUSE: State of the Union 2013
For instance, when you do combustion studies, flames on Earth burn in a teardrop fashion because the air comes in from underneath it and feeds the flame, but we can't do that here since the air doesn't know where up is, there's no convection.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's call to the International Space Station
"In fact, when you burn coal, you emit more acid rain pollution, more air pollution, more smog and more global warming pollution which threatens the entire planet, " said Becker, global warming program director for the Sierra Club.
CNN: Energy debate may soon turn on 'cleaner' coal
On the environmental side, when you burn these fossil fuels, you're really seeing carbon dioxide into the air.
NPR: Biofuels and Food Prices
The emissions, from what are known as "burn pits, " have been a concern for troops, especially those who served at Balad Air Force Base in Iraq.
CNN: Congressmen want more info on 'burn pit' claims
If you look at across the whole life cycle of growing corn, making ethanol and burning it in a car, and compare that to what happens when you find oil and make gasoline and burn it in a car, you only have about 15 percent less greenhouse gas going into the air from burning ethanol than you would if you're burning gasoline.
NPR: Biofuels and Food Prices