• Gen Shelton issued the warning during a briefing given to reporters about the US Air Force division he heads that includes America's cyber-troops.

    BBC: US general warns over Iranian cyber-soldiers

  • Britain's 16th Air Assault division, which has been protecting the Rumalia oil fields, have also extended their operation northwest toward Highway 6, a major route out of Basra.

    CNN: Basra offers a lesson on taking Baghdad

  • The NTSB recommended the National Air Racing Group Unlimited Division require aircraft owners in the unlimited class to provide an engineering evaluation that includes flight demonstrations and analysis prior to a race.

    CNN: NTSB: Pilot overwhelmed by g-forces in Reno crash

  • Air Partner's insurance division can also get the whole exercise underwritten by Lloyd's of London.

    FORBES: Flight To Safety

  • "When you start dealing with a senior bunch of scientists trained in conventional physics and they see a young upstart with a miracle material, most say 'no, ' and they say it rather vehemently, " says James Collis , who evaluates technology for the logistics division of the Naval Air Systems Command and who has closely followed Branagan's work.

    FORBES: Innovators

  • Tim Marsano, a spokesman for the Idaho Air National Guard, said Stone was an air liaison officer with the Army's 101st Airborne Division at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait.

    CNN: Grenade attack claims 2nd victim

  • The air force is also vital to UPS' fastest- growing division, logistics, up 70% in revenue in the last two years.

    FORBES: Logistics in Brown

  • It emerged that General Electric is thinking about selling its appliances division, which has been supplying homes with refrigerators, air conditioners and the like for decades.

    ECONOMIST: Business this week

  • The Air Force confirmed arrangements have been reached in the sensitive case involving the division's first female B-52 pilot.

    CNN: But court-martial plans shelved

  • Wang Wanping, 21, a scrawny biscuit of a girl, plucks her heavy electric guitar in a moldy air-raid shelter, trying to find the right touch by repeatedly playing Joy Division songs.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Visions of China: Shanghai

  • This means having a nuclear deterrent, a deployable army division, a blue-water navy with two aircraft carriers, and an air force with fighters and deep-strike jets.

    ECONOMIST: Britain's armed forces

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