Only Air France turned a profit--a very small profit, but even that was an accomplishment.
Ryanair, EasyJet and Air France run services to Biarritz from UK airports.
The French state's stake in the Air France-KLM merger is set to be 44 percent.
The crew of Air France Flight 447 reported severe turbulence shortly before the plane disappeared.
The new technology allows Air France passengers to skip the boarding-pass stage of the airport processes.
The infected man travelled from Atlanta to Paris on 12 May on Air France flight 385.
Mr Berlusconi has also promised to stop the planned sale of Alitalia to Air France.
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The half-year figures, due to be released next week, should confirm Air France's state of bonheur.
And like Air France-KLM, while the pair will combine their businesses they will maintain separate corporate operations.
Henceforth it will be easier for a future government to privatise Air France if it should wish.
However, as was the case with the Air France-KLM merger in Europe, the airlines' brands would remain separate.
Concorde was grounded after an Air France Concorde crashed in Paris last July killing more than 100 people.
But others were concerned that the deal could limit Air France's flexibility in responding to external market shocks.
Air France said it expected to make a smaller loss in the June quarter than it had forecast.
Air France, the only other company to operate the delta-winged supersonic jet, has a fleet of five jets.
Several big airline groups, notably Air France-KLM, are trying to make deep cuts.
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The first Air France Foundation prize will be presented to Dr Xavier Emmanuelli.
Air France-KLM plans to cut down flights out of the city's Malpensa airport and make Rome its only hub.
Separately, Air France is suing Continental for 15m euros at a commercial tribunal.
For the year ending March 31st, Air France's net profit rose by 42%.
The performance looks even better in comparison with Air France's closest European rivals.
Air France's chief executive, Jean-CyrilSpinettaJean-Cyril Spinetta, has also suggested buying bigger planes to save costs by cramming more passengers on-board.
It remains to be seen how attractive outsiders will find the slice of Air France that becomes available in June.
Earlier this month, a Air France plane clipped a Delta Connection flight on a runway at New York's John F.
Philippe Jernnard, from La Rochelle, France, was wearing a shirt with an Air France logo and a blazer with epaulets.
When he was found in the cockpit, Mr Jernnard identified himself as a 747 pilot for Air France, authorities said.
After Air France figured out the issue, the passengers were flown to Cyprus and then taken to Beirut on Thursday.
Soon after Lufthansa began its tarmac car service, Air France added car service for first-class passengers at its Paris hub.
Will pilots want more share options even if exercising them would dilute the government's stake in Air France below 50%?
Another 23% will be held by employees, and the rest by investors and Air France's allies, many of them state-owned.