This year, visitors are delighted to be returning to Bethlehem, where they can send franked letters by first class or by air mail.
Correspondents did as they were bidden, filing their copy by air-mail letter or, in later years, by telex.
Dorrian noted that while some in the Air Force might view Folds' e-mail as "emotional, " his actions are fully supported at the highest levels of the Air Force.
Authorities said they were checking whether an air pressure machine used to clean mail sorters may have spread anthrax spores.
"We are mapping out a return-to-service plan, and we look forward to getting our 787s back in the air, " she said by e-mail.
The Americans are trying to use e-mail for routine ground-to-air communication, freeing voice channels and lightening the load for controllers.
Also on Tuesday, the Defense Intelligence Agency investigated a case of possible biological agents being concealed in mail sent to the agency at its Bolling Air Force Base Headquarters in Washington, D.
They would likely use the spectrum to improve Internet access to mobile devices as people increasingly use their phones for messaging, e-mail, broadband video, over-the-air purchases and mobile TV.
"Mould (on plants) can irritate asthma, increase upper respiratory problems, cause headaches and affect concentration, " Dr. David Miller an expert on indoor air quality from Carleton University, Canada told the Globe and Mail newspaper.
Of course, by 1940, commercial air service had been hauling transcontinental freight, passengers, and mail for more than a decade, and doing so largely as a result of the incentive of Lindbergh's solo feat and his industrious efforts as a million-dollar-a-year consultant to the newly organized airlines.
Landing 14 hours later in Honolulu, where the air was a shocking 30 degrees warmer, we checked e-mail messages and Facebook, and learned that workers had cut a path through the trees, finally liberating the neighborhood.
People could use the same e-mail and network identity everywhere, on landlines or over the air.