Carter scored 14 points as the defending champions were beaten 22-19 by North Harbour in their opening Air New Zealand Cup match.
There was a theatrical air to the opening of the trial of Jean-Pierre Bemba, the former vice-president of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), in The Hague.
Firefighters turned on a portable heater to keep her warm in near-freezing temperatures while they dropped an air bag into the opening to slightly spread the walls.
The first episode of "Sports Illustrated" will air three days before the opening ceremony of Olympics.
But last week, Russia's President Vladimir Putin attended the official opening of a Russian air base in Kant, near the capital, Bishkek.
Opening shuttered areas to air and sunlight also is suggested.
These are highways that have natural gas fueling stations between cities, just like the one that folks at UPS, South Coast Air and Clean Energy Fuels are opening today between Los Angeles and Salt Lake City.
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A380, rumoured to be announced at the opening on July 19th of Farnborough Air Show, could be another straw taking off into the wind.
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Just getting all the parts to work together seems overwhelming indeed, it did overwhelm British Airways last month at Heathrow, outside London, when Terminal 5, an eight-billion-dollar structure that was supposed to transform Heathrow from a congested tangle into a place that would thrill passengers with the joy of air travel, all but shut down on its opening day, when a computerized baggage system malfunctioned.
The chorus was a marvel of focussed pitch and blended tone: in the opening bars, the sopranos immaculately pierced the air.
On 5 May 1939, at the opening of Guernsey's current airport, the Air Minister Sir Kingsley Wood announced that as part of the Municipal Liaison Scheme the squadron would be affiliated to the island.
In front of more than two million people at the open air Mass that formed the centrepiece of the visit, he spoke about new dangers opening up for mankind as technology progressed.
In green architecture news, a New York architect has come up with a proposal to blanket the unsightly West Side Highway with air-cleaning ivy and dramatic waterfalls, while in Sarajevo, we saw the opening of the winding Festine Lente pedestrian bridge.
Instead of opening windows, the new Royal London Hospital has 200 units that bring clean filtered air into the hospital's 3, 500 rooms.
Air France's pilots have been equally tenacious, with strikes at such sensitive moments as the opening week of the football World Cup held in France last year.
With the opening of the centre, sightseers will pass through metal detectors and queue up for tours amid air conditioning and plentiful lavatories.
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