Twenty-five years ago in one swift air raid the Israelis destroyed Iraq's nuclear facility.
In Melbourne, Australia , about 5, 000 protesters marched Friday to the sound of mock air raid sirens.
Colombia's armed forced have killed 13 guerrillas - including two leaders - in an air raid, officials say.
The move was first suggested ahead of the dismantling of the island's air raid siren system in 2010.
Stepping back from the nuclear precipice, from the bleak time of fall out shelters and air raid drills.
Though a Russian peace mission Tuesday fueled Serb hopes that airstrikes would end, air raid sirens sounded again overnight.
The tunnel was used as an air raid shelter during World War II.
Their romance flourished, and she moved into his London flat after her home was damaged in an air raid.
Earlier, the South's military said an air raid on Friday injured two people.
Already this morning here in Haifa there have been a number of air raid sirens that have gone off.
Friday's air raid "marks the fifth major strike on al Qaeda positions in less than a month, " the embassy said.
Tragically, he and 30 others were killed when a bomb hit the club during an air raid in March 1941.
There are more than 200 files from the city engineer about air raid shelters, including three files about the shelters' sanitary arrangements.
Developments in Syria may also fall short of triggering another such war, if the 30 January air raid is anything to judge by.
Al-Azdi has been reported dead in the past, the latest incident being in September when Yemen claimed he was killed in an air raid.
Al-Azdi had been falsely reported dead in the past, the latest incident being in September when Yemen claimed he was killed in an air raid.
CNN: Yemen: No. 2 al Qaeda leader in Arabian Peninsula killed
Yemeni forces carried out an air raid at 2:30 p.m. near Alajasher in the country's far north, the Yemeni Embassy to the United States said in its statement.
They include members of all three armed forces along with members of the Merchant Navy killed as a result of enemy action and air raid wardens in uniform.
The church itself was also damaged in the air raid.
BBC: Memorial planned for Isle of Wight WW II bombing victims
Iraqis celebrating the end of the week in Baghdad were interrupted by the wail of air raid sirens, although they were told at first the sirens were a test.
He also revealed that a French helicopter pilot, Lieutenant Damien Boiteux, was killed in Friday's fighting - during an air raid to support Mali's ground troops in the battle for Konna.
BBC: Hollande steps up France security over Mali and Somalia
Speaking after talks in Paris with President Jacques Chirac, the Egyptian leader said the Gaza air raid occurred against a background of various Palestinian initiatives, some involving Hamas, to end the violence.
It seems likely that the French are worried about having reporters in the area in case they either find out something potentially embarrassing - or get caught accidentally in an air raid.
Although the controversy about long-haul air travel has recently put DVT in the headlines, the condition was first described in people sitting on deckchairs in air raid shelters during the Blitz in London.
CNN's Brent Sadler -- who was back in Belgrade after some international journalists were forced to leave Yugoslavia earlier -- heard one explosion outside Belgrade Saturday as air raid sirens rang out in the Yugoslav capital.
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At first, we sorta thought those air raid sirens (you know, the ones that are freakin' loud enough to wake the dead) were enough of an "emergency alert" as it was, but consider this: they usually don't tell you the nature of the emergency or give you instructions on exactly how you're supposed to proceed.
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By 1943 women formed a quarter of the Civil Defence force, most of them as air-raid wardens, with the fire service or driving ambulances through the air raids.