"There's no air in space to compress to ring against your ear, " she told CNN in an interview at the TED conference in Long Beach, California, in March.
CNN: Cosmic music from dying stars
As the hearse drew away, the half-muffled bells of St Paul's began to ring, the solemnity of the sound hanging in the air.
BBC: Margaret Thatcher: the end of an era
When environmental activists claim air pollutants kill thousands of Americans each year and sicken still thousands more, their claims ring hollow when they oppose a cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution.
FORBES: The Sierra Club Fails An Environmental Consistency Test
Many of Cho's buildings are in South Korea, but some of his temporary structures, such as the "Air Forest" set up in Denver, U.S., in 2008 and "Ring Dome" seen in Milan and Yokohama, have made it abroad.
CNN: Minsuk Cho's dramatic architecture