Every time I step onto a Virgin Airplane, I get a sense of whimsy and adventure.
"We'd been working our tail off on the airplane, " Yeager told me during a phone interview.
"We checked out many targets and nothing turned out to be airplane wreckage, " said Mr. Gillespie.
"It's like the economy is this airplane and not all the engines are firing, " Emmons said.
In January of last year, his health worsening, he went back to Phoenix on an airplane.
We learn how airplane fuselages are made, for instance, and how to splice coaxial cable together.
Few perches provide more dramatic vistas than that of the cockpit of an airplane.
This same fallacy is what causes some people to be afraid of flying on an airplane.
All sides want more federal air marshals, enhanced security and protections in airplane cockpits.
When he delivered mail to Meekatharra in the 1920s, he wisely used an airplane.
According to airplane maker Boeing, even onboard explosions have not caused planes to crash.
Next, you'll make a model airplane out of wood and paper-and it had better fly.
But it sucked for everyone else, for whom an airplane flight was a rare luxury.
Suppose your company had made the airplane that Amelia Earhart was flying when she disappeared.
When you learn to fly an airplane under instrument conditions, you have to multi-task.
Needless to say, such an airplane would be far harder to model on a computer.
The tight confines of the airplane gave them especially heavy doses of secondhand smoke.
"It depends on the airplane, the larger the airplane, the less the impact, " Tilmon said.
This may surprise nonpilots, but cranking up airplane engines--whether piston, turboprop or jet--has always been multistepped.
Airplane to Italy, trains from city to city, and then a flight out.
The pulled handle would fire a small rocket through the airplane's roof and release the parachute.
Made from composite materials, the 787 is the first mid-size airplane capable of flying long-range routes.
Air traffic control grants the request, and I point the airplane's nose over Lake Erie.
The Cirrus airplane is as inherently safe as it gets in small airplane aviation.
No one would hire an engineer to build an airplane because he once constructed a highway.
Airplane pilots have the third most dangerous occupation, with a death rate of 101 per 100, 000.
Like an airplane wing, the kite generates more lift the faster it moves through the air.
Like, how to fly the family home, to Palo Alto, in our four-seat airplane.
According to accounting conventions, an airplane has a fixed life of approximately 10-15 years.
But this is the first commercial airplane to be made with 50 percent composite materials.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks On Promoting American Manufacturing and Exports | The White House