Aisle seat lovers are often type A personalities, who like to be in control.
Will you rent your car with insurance or sell or buy an aisle seat on an airplane?
But if you're going to be stuck in the middle or aisle seat for hours on end, the right pillow can be a godsend.
An iPad user is over 30% more likely to say they are taller than most other people their age and gender, which might explain why they are 31% more likely to choose an aisle seat when they fly.
Priority boarding is also a big draw, because Southwest's chaotic no-assigned-seats system can be a turnoff for travellers unwilling to push to the front of the line or throw a few elbows for a window (or aisle) seat.
The C919 is China's answer to the Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 -- a single-aisle, 168-seat, narrow-body commercial liner produced by Chinese state-run aircraft manufacturer Comac (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China).
But yin yang doesn't allow direct aisle access for window-seat and middle-seat passengers.
If the boss offers you a seat across the aisle, accept and gauge carefully how much conversation your superior would enjoy.
The central aisle of an airliner, the back seat of a car (stale popcorn crammed into cushion cracks), a coal mine, a hospital waiting room, a long tunnel in which a hot breeze blew first in one direction and then the other.
"All I know was I was in the air, hitting seats, bouncing around, flying down the aisle and finally I came to a stop on one seat, " Lola Oliver, 49, of Bridgeport, told The Associated Press.
But this unique configuration gives each window seat its own private alley of access to the aisle, something I have never seen and really liked.
United will change its boarding Thursday so that after elite-level customers, the rest of the coach cabin will board window-seat passengers first, then middle seats, and aisle seats last.
He was sitting across the aisle from the man in the picture and had a front row seat to the wild times that ensued.
In any event, as Erramilli the dawdler finally got on board, he found the only remaining open seat between a female passenger at the window and her husband on the aisle.
He would seat them in a room of cheap folding chairs, six to a row, with a narrow aisle down the middle.