This year's honoree, actor Alan Cumming, has been "unapologetic, and true to himself, " Robbins said.
So Alan Cumming and Mary Beth Peil are for us a couple from comedy heaven.
Alan Cumming was amazing as Nightcrawler, even if the writers tried to make him annoying with the repeated "circus" explaination.
"I thought Mr.Obama was absolutely amazing, an incredible speaker and a real visionary, " said actor Alan Cumming ("Spy Kids, " "X2").
Many of those in today's audience - even Alan Cumming - will have felt the barb of a bad review.
Previous Grand Marshal's have included the screen stars Sir Sean Connery, Brian Cox and Alan Cumming, who have also expressed support for independence.
He came in for some criticism, along with fellow Scottish actor Alan Cumming, for living in the US and not being a resident of Scotland.
BBC: Brian Cox plays 'Del Boy's Scottish cousin' - Bob Servant
With Alan Cumming, enjoying himself to a quite illicit degree as a Teutonic devil, and Brian Cox as a neo-con mutant-hunter, whose goatee may be the most villainous effect of all.
The move sparked an angry reaction from the arts community - including actor Alan Cumming and playwright David Greig - who feared the new scheme was unsustainable and unlikely to be delivered in time.
Again, in an effort to distance itself from the likes of Brian Cox and Alan Cumming's contribution to pro-independence argument, the Better Together film featured the voices of people living across Scotland, from all professions and walks of life.
In a season of one-man shows on Broadway Bette Midler, Alan Cumming, Holland Taylor and Mike Tyson Shaw may have one of the more controversial, rolling her eyes at apostles and dismissing them as if they were weirdoes her son met smoking funny cigarettes at Bonnaroo.
And to see an Eli, who is unhinged, try to get Peter elected is just going to be very fun I think both for Alan Cumming and the audience, who will see him dealing with a lot that we see now nationally with Romney and Obama the mix of serious issues but also being tainted by frivolous issues.