Since the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC the slide has been precipitous.
Forget about gleaning leadership lessons from the likes of Attila the Hun or Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great made a special trip to Siwa in the fourth century B.
Two movies based on the life of Alexander the Great also planned to use Moroccan locations.
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This lack of focus, especially if it becomes hubris, can be deadly (just ask Alexander the Great).
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Mr Wood's television credits include In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great, Conquistadors and the Story of India.
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Now Mr Hussein presides over plays staged in the neighbouring theatre that was built by Alexander the Great.
When Macedonia renamed Skopje airport for Alexander the Great in 2007, this seemed a one-off to annoy Greece.
Alexander the Great carried The Iliad with him and Queen Elizabeth prized Cicero.
He casts himself as a latter-day Nebuchadnezzar, a reincarnation of Alexander the Great.
Later, the conquests of Alexander the Great and the Romans brought market economies to towns and cities throughout the western world.
The Greek Alexander the Great finally fulfilled Ezekiel's wish two centuries later.
Last year, His Eminence tried to compare me with Alexander the Great.
So I can honestly say, with almost a straight face, that I owe it all to guys like Socrates and Alexander the Great.
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Once upon a time, a Macedonian called Alexander the Great took an army on its way to India through what is now Afghanistan.
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Hannibal, a master of propaganda eager to create a reputation to equal that of Alexander the Great, followed the Herculean route to Italy.
Yes, after two seasons in which he was no longer the score-at-will superstar he had been earlier in his career, Alexander the Great is back.
Alexander the Great, triumphant in so many seemingly impossible battles, made a fundamental error when he took his army from Persia to Afghanistan and India.
It is thus not surprising that the Macedonians considered themselves to be, and were treated by Alexander the Great as being, separate from the Greeks.
The plant is not indigenous to India and according to the United Nations, the drug was introduced in India in 330 BC by Alexander the Great.
Dedicated to Lorenzo de Medici, the book draws on examples from history, of Alexander the Great and of the German city states, to teach its readers some eternal lessons.
Instead, he has been left to sort out the Gordian Knot that is the U.K.'s 4G spectrum auction, a task even Alexander the Great's sword would have failed to achieve.
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Another marvel in the Treasure Galleries, a quiver depicting the life of Achilles, is possibly one of a pair commissioned by Alexander the Great and mentioned in his records as gifts for a Scythian leader.
It shows Philip the Good, surrounded by his courtiers, receiving the gold clasped book that legitimised the reign of dukes of Burgundy over Flanders by somehow tracing their ancestry back to Alexander the Great.
Mes Aynak is a sprawling, mountainous, 9, 800-acre site studded with artifacts that archaeologists believe are as significant as the Bamiyan Buddhas, as well as the remains of civilizations that stretch back to the time of Alexander the Great.
The highlight is the foundation stone of the city of Ai Khanum, laid by Alexander the Great around 300 BC, and thought to be the only object in the world which is known to have been in his hands.
Interested in Alexander the Great?
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Tony Blair once told a Labour conference a story about the man employed by Prince Philip of Macedonia, the father of Alexander the Great, to carry a black stick with a pig's bladder on the end and wake him up at night to remind him he was only mortal.