Elected mayors are not all-powerful, as they have to rely on support from other elected members.
With young Gemma Arterton in a bare-midriff role, as Princess Tamina, guardian of the all-powerful knife.
This is important, because big companies are everywhere and if not all-powerful, pretty dominating.
FORBES: Who is The Entrepreneur: Catalina Gorla (on figuring it out later)
But these barriers may fall to the all-powerful convenience and efficiency of the Web.
Green Arrow replies that he refuses to stand by while an all-powerful being executes someone.
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Nor will they sell out to one of the all-powerful fashion conglomerates like LVMH.
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In reality, we don't need to develop a new set of fancy all-powerful weaponry to secure cyberspace.
While New York's mayor is all-powerful, London's shares power with 32 boroughs, which often have conflicting agendas.
ECONOMIST: London��s public spaces have got better, but not good enough
Another loser is Mediobanca, a secretive, manipulative and hitherto all-powerful Milanese investment bank.
He says the European Parliament has grown in power since he first entered it, when the Commission was all-powerful.
Still, Mrs Hasina is not quite the all-powerful bogeywoman her bitterest opponents suggest.
ECONOMIST: The prime minister sets the country on a dangerous path
Walter Cronkite, the all-powerful anchorman of the CBS Evening News had told them that the US had lost the offensive.
Uncle Sam has not for years been the only, all-powerful outside figure that counted to them, as myth had it.
"He's settled into believing that Allah is all-powerful, the one, and that he's going to help Mohammad Yousuf, " Woolmer said.
The image of an all-powerful boss making the big decisions all by himself is fast becoming a thing of the past.
This comedown for Iraq's once all-powerful minority is most apparent in its leaders like Salih Mutlaq, a former Baath Party member, born in Fallujah.
According to a number of recent articles, this ubiquitous and all-powerful bug is the worst crisis ever to face the world's information systems.
The scenes are a box office delight and do a lot to humanize a guy whom many see as some all-powerful business despot.
The lesson from these other countries is that marriage is not the all-powerful salve for poverty that some make it out to be.
FORBES: Bad Relationships Don't Stand in Poor Women's Way. Bad Policies Do.
Kramer encourages regulators to reign in the banks before we go back to the time when there was only one, all-powerful bank in town.
More than once the comparison has been made to the infamous "Senor de los Cielos", Amado Carrillo Fuentes, leader of the once all-powerful Juarez Cartel.
So far, the birds have been bound by the all-powerful principle of gravity, but in space, that concept is going to get a little bent.
FORBES: The Ice Bird Cometh: Details From 'Angry Birds: Space'
Now that we have a rough trade plan, we should also grant it to Mr. Market that he is all-powerful, and can do whatever he likes.
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If, as some have argued, the future belongs to businesses that are more participative and democratic, then maybe the days of the all-powerful CEO are finally numbered.
Apart from anything else, it is the best way of countering the charge that the House of Commons is merely a toothless adjunct of an all-powerful executive.
She was neither a professional politician nor associated with the all-powerful local Labour party that had chosen the disgraced MacShane and packs the local council with its members.
Not all industry worries about an all-powerful ombudsman are self-serving.
Although he continues to lead the Congress in Parliament, where the party has 139 of the 543 elective seats, Rao's resignation from the all-powerful president's post plunged the party into crisis.
Some cardinals have suggested restructuring the Curia's chain of command, breaking up the all-powerful post of secretary of state, which was held by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone under Pope Benedict XVI.
As a venture capitalist in northern California, it is unnecessarily challenging to source inbound deals, especially when searching for the cream of the crop, poised to generate that all-powerful 10x return.