But that is available and those unfortunate impacts are being felt all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest
Two weeks from today, Americans all across the country will step into the voting booth.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President and Vice President in Dayton, OH
And these are just a few examples out of thousands all across the country.
It is always wonderful to see so many friends from all across the country.
There are cousins and uncles and friends in battleground states all across the country.
It's a case her husband has been trying to make for months all across the country.
That's what good schools can do, and we want good schools all across the country.
Those are serious consequences, and the pain will be felt all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Time to Act on the Transportation Bill
And that's an agenda that Democrats and Republicans and independents, people all across the country share.
And I think it's a model for what we could duplicate all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery | The White House
And there are recovery projects like this in cities and counties all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery | The White House
It is making a huge difference for millions of students all across the country.
They are deficient roads, and there are deficient bridges like this all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Investing in Our Infrastructure
If Congress acts, then people in Nevada and all across the country can get significant relief.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Housing and the Economy
These are needed public works that engage private sector companies, spurring hiring all across the country.
America was built on the idea of broad-based prosperity, of strong consumers all across the country.
Michelle was meeting with women all across the country, listening to their struggles, hearing their stories.
Let me just say, President Clinton has been traveling all across the country for this campaign.
So those stories are duplicating themselves all across Ohio and all across the country.
You are setting a model for what we need to be doing all across the country.
We want more produce -- more vegetables and more fruit -- consumed all across the country.
And stories like these are happening not just here in Omaha, but all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at Girls Inc. of Omaha Event
We've got thousands of workers building long-lasting batteries, building wind turbines all across the country.
Well, we need roads and bridges and schools all across the country that could be rebuilt.
We recognize that this is an issue that elicits a lot of passion all across the country.
And so this is a model of what we want to be seeing all across the country.
We bring in ordinary Americans who are doing extraordinary things in their communities, all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change: African American Educational Excellence | The White House
This makes a difference in the lives of folks all across the country in very important ways.
So everything is starting to settle in, just like for all your peers all across the country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Third Annual Back to School Speech
In Charlotte and all across the country, we can see the promise and possibility that awaits us.