What is needed is a grass-roots movement similar to MADD that encompasses all aspects of society.
CNN: Look to MADD in changing our gun culture
States should ensure the full and free participation of indigenous people in all aspects of society, in particular in matters of concern to them.
UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
Special attention needs to be paid to ensuring non-discrimination, and the equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by disabled persons, including their active participation in all aspects of society.
UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
Dr Ann Ginsberg, vice-president of Aeras, an organisation working on vaccines, said tuberculosis was "truly raging" in some parts of the world where "all aspects of society are touched" by the disease.
BBC: Tuberculosis effort in real danger - WHO
Through grassroots organizing efforts, public education, and electoral work, ICIRR has worked across party lines to advance policies and initiatives that welcome immigrants and recognize their contributions to all aspects of our society.
WHITEHOUSE: Generations of Struggle
"It's very often not carried out by young people themselves and it's something we need to focus on in relation to all aspects of our society, not just the individuals who very often get blamed for it, " he said.
BBC: Debate on anti-social behaviour
Clearly, all without disregarding the correct devolution of the scientific aspects to the society, administrators, managers and planners.