The stock and futures exchanges, and yet another independent entity, the clearing house, will all become one.
After all, Cannes does become one giant water cooler during the Festival.
Self control, proper attitude, courtsy for everyone at work, and extension of helping hand towards others, could all become positive ingredients for one to feel at home with the environment at work.
Peacehaven Infant School and Hoddern Junior School will become one "all-through" school.
BBC: Two Peacehaven schools to merge despite '95% opposition'
That is, after all, one reason why they become entrepreneurs.
Really, it just threatened to become one of those all-consuming stories that would distract from everything and prevent the White House from trying to get its message out on other things.
The upshot is that Path, headed by former Facebook Platform executive Dave Morin, is seeking to become the essential all-in-one mobile app for sharing activities with close friends.
All Craig did was go on to become one the great dual threat backs in NFL history, the first to ever surpass 1, 000 yards rushing and receiving in the same season.
Stacey, the world around us know that truth has become one of the rarest of all commidities!
You can become great, or you can even become one of the greatest of all time.
And because, one day, it will all become unbearable to me, she will have to die before me, when I can no longer stand my adoration of her.
For these and other reasons, we expect that getting out the vote (GOTV) and all its permutations will become the number one issue in the weeks that remain.
Nervous politicians should be comforted that, at a time when cars and components all resemble one another, a national identity has become a vital part of the brand.
And if any health insurer refused to cover all the women in a group because one might become pregnant, the state insurance commissioner would run the insurer out of town on a rail.
What was supposed to be an all-Afghan operation quickly had become an American-led one.
So this extraordinary moment should summon all of us to become what we profess to be: one indivisible nation.
' Despite that famous review, "The Sound of Music" went on to become one of the most successful films of all time.
Some stunning numbers: According to the Centers for Disease Control, of all babies born in 2000, one-third will become diabetic sometime in their lives unless they begin eating a lot better and getting a lot more exercise.
Living here, I never dreamed that this rather obscure and unvisited area would soon become one of the most glittery and chic in all Kyoto.
In addition, the song has become one of the most popular YouTube videos of all time globally, and it has nearly six million fans on Facebook.
On this new record, the sound of the Heartless Bastards has caught up to her unique talent and that's all it took for a workman like band to become a great one.
"Chavismo, at one point, was focused on the figure of Chavez as the all-emcompassing one, but it grew and expanded to become this mass movement that has crossed the borders out of Venezuela into the world beyond and has affected countries around the world, " Eva Golinger, a Venezuelan-American attorney, author and adviser to Chavez told CNN's Christiane Amanpour.
The game is a sequel to 2010's "Call of Duty: Black Ops, " which sold more than 13.7 million units in the U.S. alone to become one of the best-selling console games of all time.
The Astrium company at its Stevenage and Portsmouth centres has benefited most from this investment, and has become one of the world's leading suppliers of all those spacecraft up there that relay TV and phone calls around the globe.
As to true friends of the Chinese people who seek to restore China to become a country of better standards of living for all, and one which is peaceful, we thank you and hope to repay such kindness in abundance.
David went on to become one of the best known BBC forecasters, appearing on all the main television channels and on BBC Radio.
With all television stations and all bar one radio station controlled by the state, the internet has become a focus for those seeking impartial or alternate sources of political information and news.
After all, as a public relations guy I never thought that SEO would become one of the most important tools in my toolbox, but it is arguably one of the most important components of an integrated marketing campaign today.
It is also not just that Youku has somehow become billed as the Chinese Netflix, Hulu and Youtube all wrapped into one glossing over the reality that no one pays to watch its videos, there are very strong competitors and, oh, it is still losing tens of millions of dollars a year.
Perhaps I have become jaded in all my travels, but no matter how well appointed, one hotel room generally looks like another.