Lying here, she is one of us, subject to the common destiny of all human beings.
Among those truths are the pursuit of peace and the dignity of all human beings.
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Whether in Walpole or Beirut or Hanoi, all human beings experience isolation as torture.
Because, before a Beethoven symphony, Mozart's ''Don Giovanni'' or Wagner's ''Tristan and Isolde, '' all human beings are equal.
Why should all human beings have this built-in facility for reading when writing is a relatively recent cultural invention?
One of the basic aims of UNESCO since its foundation was to promote the equal value and rights of all human beings.
Most important, I ask you to work with us for common prosperity, and for security and peace for all human beings.
It is just indicative of the need all human beings have to be accepted, which we deny ourselves and others through fear and greed etc.
All human beings understand respectful behavior, intelligent questions, and genuine interest.
Each is memorable because they mine the same truth that we are all human beings, and we could all use a little hedge against our misfortune and foolishness.
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These characteristics should be present in all human beings.
" As Eunice said at one point, Special Olympics teaches "that all human beings are created equal in the sense that each has the capacity and a hunger for moral excellence, for courage, for friendship and for love.
The one positive result in establishing Millennial generational characteristics is this: when we pay attention to their characteristics, we reexamine our management and leadership style, which ultimately brings us full circle: all human beings want to feel good, want to do good work and be recognized for it, and actually are pretty good people.
Imagine, the world could be a different place to live in if all the human beings lead lives based on truths.
The ability to have constant, portable access to all the information complied by human beings over all of our known existence at the touch of a button, while watching squirrels dance on YouTube.
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It is the worldwide responsibility of governments and we as journalists, professionals of all kinds and human beings -- mothers and fathers, daughters and sons.
"All of us human beings will die one day, " Koofi wrote.
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When I went, when I realised that the fire personnel that I had talked to were all dead, before the judge had died that maybe another 20 or 30 people that I knew were gone, with a really good chance that they were dead, I think at some point during the day, I think, the anger was all directed at human beings, not at God.
Something wonderful was just over the horizon and every card-carrying human being had to have an informed opinion on all those things that distinguish human beings from animals.
So we as human beings all over the world, and we particularly here in Los Angeles, are responding to this need and are glad to do it.
Human beings are all God's creatures and are all endowed with dignity and respect.
All of us are flawed human beings exactly the same as anyone else.
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But the fact is that as human beings we all need to feel that connection to something outside of ourselves.
On the other hand, if this is all too close to home (my own 40th disappeared in the rear view mirror some time ago) we can take comfort in the fact that this research was carried out with civil servants and therefore may well not apply to human beings at all.
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They are, after all, both populated with fallible human beings who sometimes do their jobs well and often poorly.
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The yearly total amounts to somewhat more than all the words ever spoken by human beings--and it was up 68% from two years earlier.
Those hundreds of millions of migrants (the Chinese New Year is usually said to be the largest movement of human beings ever) all go home to see their families out in the boonies.
"Human beings are born with all these very strong human capacities for being expressive in time, " says Trevarthen.
Human beings make terrible mistakes all of the time and there is a resilient tendency in people toward forgiveness.
This superficially intriguing point, I think, must end up as an assault on all art made by free and equal human beings.
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