• All the gold ever mined is still in existence--unlike wheat and oil, which are consumed almost immediately.

    FORBES: Unindicted Blunderer

  • In all but seven years during that period, existing businesses cut an average 1 million jobs, while firms in existence for a year or less created 3 million.

    FORBES: Government Declares War On Small Business

  • Every market in existence is unique, unless one believes that all markets are identical in every way except health insurance, which of course they are not.

    FORBES: The Supreme Court: Obamacare's Death Panel?

  • With all due respect to the editors of the best business magazine in existence, your arguments on illegal immigration no longer match the new, stark reality in the Southwest, particularly California.

    FORBES: Hung Up on Ma Bell

  • As much as technology's played a part in my existence, however, my photo album is all but devoid of references to my geekier undertakings.

    ENGADGET: Growing Up Geek: Christopher Trout Alt

  • Ethiopia seizes this opportunity to underscore that there is no other sound alternative to good neighbourliness and peaceful co-existence and calls upon all neighbouring countries to stand united in promoting peace and development in our sub-region.

    BBC: Ethiopian president hails victories

  • More than 1 million people signed up for e-mail accounts with Outlook, the new service to which all Hotmail users will eventually be transferred, in its first few hours of existence Tuesday.

    CNN: Doug Gross,

  • In fact, the existence of LSAs and RSAs will create pressure to make all investment income and gains tax free, just as money market funds in the mid-1970s ended Washington's long-standing interest-rate controls for bank deposits.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • But perhaps only Dr Mahathir has the absolute confidence to speak of it in public, even if he is denouncing it: that, after all, confirms its existence.

    ECONOMIST: Malaysia

  • This dynamic can be seen not just in economic life but in the evolution of all things, from cuisine, urbanization and legal systems to our own existence as a species on this planet.

    FORBES: Will Big Data Make Your IT Organization Antifragile?

  • E-communications provide some hope of keeping at bay all the forces which threaten the existence of diasporas, especially small ones: assimilation (seen in the decline of once-mighty tongues like Yiddish and Latino) and the danger of irrelevance as the world moves on.

    ECONOMIST: Diasporas

  • Land, which is a necessity of human existence, which is the original source of all wealth, which is strictly limited in extent, which is fixed in geographical position land, I say, differs from all other forms of property in these primary and fundamental conditions.

    FORBES: The Case For Monetary Freedom

  • The number of bitcoin files in existence is limited, and while new bitcoins come into existence every day, the rate of expansion in the bitcoin supply is known to all users.

    FORBES: How to Purchase Guns and Drugs Anonymously

  • In particular, NYSE owners, many of whom are traders with an interest in the continued existence of a trading floor, are likely to resist moves towards an all-electronic format, and may even stymie the deal.

    ECONOMIST: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em | The

  • Scientology, the word means study of light, study of knowledge, and that's what it is, it takes up all areas of light itself, things that are integral and maxims that are related to life in very existence.

    BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • There was no mention in the report of forged documents -- or any suggestion of the existence of documents at all.

    CNN: Text of CIA Director George Tenet's statement

  • Ms Narain does not call for a halt to all relocation, but does argue for a plan for co-existence, by giving people an economic stake in the tiger's survival.

    ECONOMIST: Can tigers and people co-exist?

  • Dresdner RCM didn't make our table--it invests in companies of all sizes--but it has racked up some impressive numbers during its first two and a half years in existence, with a market beating average return of 34.5%.

    FORBES: Doffing the cap

  • Jack Lissauer, of NASA's Ames Research Centre, in California, and his team, have not only confirmed the existence of the six planets, they have worked out their orbital periods, diameters and, in all but one case, their masses.

    ECONOMIST: The search for other Earths is hotting up

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