"We were really different, but all kind of facing the same quandaries, " Lloyd says.
They all kind of agreed, and none of them wanted to talk about global warming.
Basic rules of contract and property make all kind of exchanges in cyberspace more efficient.
Second, we all kind of wonder if it would actually be possible do it.
You're saying, 'Here's a cool selection of stuff that all kind of works together and looks super interesting.
And though we all kind of know this is true, it was confirmed recently by actual scientific data.
But after the kisses and handshaking, they all kind of got in a line and waved to the crowd.
"The hats I found were all kind of black and knitted, " she recalls.
In Oregon the Pinot Noir that is getting all kind of accolades, Wine Spectactor called it number one, is Evening Land.
FORBES: Valentine's Day Wine Tips From An Expert, Piero Selvaggio
Mr. GONZALO RUBALCABA (Musician): It was very easy to see all kind of traditional Cuban representation (unintelligible) activities as something normal.
And then when you feel that it's all kind of turning to gibberish, it might be a sign that you're done.
"We all kind of knew how he took the program to the next level, " Jeremy Langlois, a senior forward from Tempe, Ariz.
Why don't you just make this all kind of an online experience?
This creates an urgency to sell and Chrysler comes out with all kind of dealer and customer incentives in an attempt to stimulate sales.
FORBES: Against The Odds, Chrysler Goes "From Third World To World Class"
"It was all kind of terra incognito down there, " says novelist Jay McInerney, who fished in saltwater with Yera and landed a 40-pound cubera snapper.
Television still lacks this capability and generic advertisements are thrown at all kind of viewers, meaning a significant portion of them are irrelevant to individual viewers.
Every Saturday I get a package sent to the house with all kind of materials that I need to be looking over for the upcoming show week.
FORBES: Wendy Williams: From Syndicated Radio Host to National TV Star
And then we listened to his chest and his chest was just filled with, you know, all kind of bacteria that was just - there's no air moving.
"It's all kind of blurry for a moment, because when a 500-pound bomb goes off a few feet from your position, there's a lot going on, " Jones said.
All kind of vibrant economic activity is occurring in this informal economy, which in some regions is between 20-60% of GDP or more, and every economy needs a currency.
Mr. GIBERTO: It's going to go in this bayou on the other side, which goes out eventually to the bay and the Gulf eventually through all kind of little bayous.
At one point we did hear screaming because people were running out of the building and at this point, we were all kind of frightened as to wonder, what happens to us?
The deeper the fault of economic inequalities, the greater the differences in opportunities that are actually available for people, as well as the suspicion against and the stigmatization of all kind of "strangers".
And so at that very moment, suddenly the headlines that people are seeing is, "bank bailout, recovery package, " and it all kind of merges together into just this blob of spending, and people aren't seeing, how is this benefiting me.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
Now, up until this point I've never met a Republican who didn't like a good tax cut -- (laughter) -- but you remember when I mentioned this at the State of the Union, Joe, they were all kind of squirming in their seats.
But companies have billions of dollars of investment and years of research on the line, with Myriad arguing that without the ability to recoup their investment through the profits that patents bring, breakthrough scientific discoveries needed to combat all kind of medical maladies wouldn't happen.
And it's really a small regulation, because if you look at the current situation for young people, even with good degrees, will try to get into the job markets before they get to this, you know, heaven of the high social protection, they have all kind of intermediate situations.
At this point, all of the people kind of looked at this guy, all of his buddies.
CNN: Giuliani: 'Thank God that George Bush is our president'
"The concept of being able to access any kind of communication from multiple devices is something fundamental, but so far they've all been kind of clunky -- there hasn't been a carrier-grade solution based on the network itself, " says Charles Gerlach, a director at the consulting firm Mainspring.
CNN: Technology - Phone.com and Software.com plan merger to provide unified messaging