Mr. SCHEUNEMANN: Oh, I've been called all kinds of things by all kinds of people.
And of course, people take their inspiration from all kinds of artists, all kinds of puritan.
And I've also seen that as President, you're going to get all kinds of advice from all kinds of people. is an on-line retailer selling hardcopy and softcopy content (e-books, movies, CDs, etc.), and all kinds of merchandise.
While pressing Iran for a clear response, Western diplomats have avoided casting the Almaty negotiations as a last chance for talks, with one senior U.S. official saying there are "all kinds of possible pathways" ahead.
He has scored runs against all sorts of bowling on all kinds of pitches.
Groups like Heritage and the Center for American Progress are large organizations that do many different kinds of work on all kinds of issues.
Aurasma is a free, open platform on which, according to Mike Lynch, all sorts of businesses will build all kinds of applications.
At IDEO and the (Stanford's school of design), we meet people from all kinds of businesses.
It was a mismatch of personalities, something that happened all the time, in all kinds of situations.
The parents we hear from every day on Cool Mom Picks are wildly appreciative of the brands that respect their desires for all children to play with all kinds of toys.
FORBES: Consumer Insights Are Not Necessarily Good PR Strategies. Just Ask Mattel.
Ms. NANCY SATTERFORD (Democratic Campaign Volunteer): I've been to all kinds of neighborhoods.
Be that as it may the enthusiasts for nudging are almost certainly correct that we believe all sorts of silly things, have all sorts of flawed information, and make all kinds of bad decisions.
You know, it's--you don't know it's there, and all of a sudden, it's making all kinds of crazy money and getting all kinds of accolades and notice.
And so government purchases an awful lot of cars for all kinds of things.
They are stereotyped as wanting big cars, lots of money and all kinds of fame.
FORBES: Student Athletes Not Getting The Professional Preparation To Succeed
And when I got tired, I would think of all the folks out there making calls, knocking on doors in all kinds of weather.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at DNC event in Washington, DC
And we just go through all of those kinds of accomplishments.
You guys are all working hard in school and learning all kinds of stuff.
Actually, in my home state of Michigan, is of course economically lagging in all kinds of ways.
FORBES: Chinese Purchases Of U.S. Real Estate Poised To Rise
There are many nontrivial ancillary challenges too, especially the secondary procedure of actually getting the energy out of the reactor into a useful form, i.e. heat to drive steam-turbines as with all other kinds of thermal power stations, to generate electricity.
Drones will eventually provide mountains of new images and data for all kinds of enterprises.
Ms. MAYNARD: There are all kinds of retraining programs for these folks.