I've been fighting all my life, and I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
"I would have been with her all my life, " he said in one interview recently.
The brilliance of the two together made a film I have remembered all my life.
As a person who sells and has worked with technology all my life I also know this.
Representative RON PAUL (Republican, Texas): I've never had such an easy time in fundraising in all my life.
"I've followed the work of Ray Harryhausen all my life, " said Park, Oscar-winning creator of Wallace and Gromit.
I've often felt an emotional attachment to my fat, it's been a part of me all my life.
When she overcame that, "I was like, 'I've spent all my life being that way, ' " she said.
I've been doing it all my life so it's going to be difficult to stop, but I'm trying.
Father and Mother, I will sing about the great sun all my life.
The best compliment I get is people saying: "I've lived here all my life and I never knew that!"
What will happen to all my life-data as the inevitable upheavals unspool over the next 20 or 50 years?
And that is something that I have worked on all my life and we are seeing in this campaign.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
"These are pictures from all my life, my children, and I am very appreciative of her help, " Beckman said.
"I've lived here all my life, and it's unbelievable what's happened, " he said.
If you look at it in acting terms I've been on Eastenders all my life and now I'm King Lear.
"All my life I've had a choice between hate and love, and I chose love, and now I'm here, " he said.
And all my life I have been dreaming to be the best in what I do and my dreams came true.
CNN: Visualizing greatness: How Novak Djokovic rose to the top
"I have lived with this work all my life, and its power and energy have only increased with time, " said Olsen.
In all my life as an MP I have had a main home in the constituency and a flat in London.
The rush came because the Mandarin for 4 January 2013 sounds similar to the phrase "I will love you all my life".
I've lived here all my life and, before me, my mother lived here all her life and, before her, her father and grandfather.
All my life I think I have been secretly ashamed of being an actor and the older I get the more ashamed I get.
BBC: Richard Burton diaries reveal actor's passion and shame
Mr. DEVON REESE (Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors): I've been here all my life, and I've seen it go through its peaks and valleys.
Mr. GHERKIN: I've been a Republican pretty much all my life.
"I worked as a policeman all my life and for 25 years I thought I could retire, " Attila Bogdan, 49, was quoted as saying by Reuters.
"It's an absolute dream come true, I've dreamed about this all my life, " said McDowell, who won his fifth European Tour title in Wales two weeks ago.
"It's been an embarrassment all my life, " says Keith, who lost the Edsel about as fast as it takes a Jag XK8 to go from 0 to 60.
"People have played in that paddling pool for as long as I can remember, and I'm 40 and have lived in Pontypridd town all my life, " she said.
BBC: Pontypridd paddling pool: Community referendum to be held